Chapter 1:

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I woke up to Tabby and Lizzy screaming my name.I opened my eyes to see them sitting criss cross on my bed...I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Were hungry.." Lizzy said.

"What do you guys want?"

"Food." Tabby said.

"What kind of food?"

"The good kind." Lizzy said.I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed and walked into the kitchen with the girls following me.

"Well seeing as there is no food in this hotel room...we have to go get food." I said.They giggled.

" have to go get food." I grunted and stomped t my room.

I went straight to the bathroom and started the shower.

****5 minutes later****

I got out of the shower and walked to my suitcases...I pulled out a casual strapless white dress and put it on..i then slipped on my white converse...I walked into my bathroom and did my makeup...i straightened my hair and put a brown braided head band on but like the way a hippy wheres his/her bandanna....I sprayed some perfume on and walked back into my room...i grabbed my phone room key and purse.

I walked out of my room and into the living room where the girls are sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

"Hey..i'm off." I said.They nodded.

"Bye!" They said

"Bye." I said walking out of the door.I walked to the elevator and got in..i pushed the lobby button and waited for it to ding...once it did i got off and walked out of the hotel...It was a pretty day so i decided to walk.


****10 minutes later****

I same across this cute little i decided to go in.I walked up to the counter and looked over the menu hung n the wall...This cute old man walked over.

"Can i help you with anything today,love?" He asked.

"Uh..yeah....i have no idea what any of this is.." I giggled and he chuckled.

"I see you are a good bit away from home...." He said.I nodded.I herd the ding of the bakery shop door.

"Ummm..what do you recommend?" I asked.

" about i let you taste some of our most popular breads.." I nodded.

"You know...their garlic bread is to die for..." I herd a deep British accent say next to me.I turned to see a tall boy with curly brown hair....wait...that's Harry styles...holy shit...don't scream..don't scream..don't scream..

"Rea-...Really?" I said choking over my words.He chuckled and nodded.

"It seems like this is your first time in London.." Harry said.I nodded.


"Why are you alone?"

" friends stayed at the hotel and they made me go alone to get breakfast.." I said.He nodded.

"They sound like great friends..."

"Their amazing.....but so lazy.." I stated........(A/N: Tabby and Lizzy are actually very lazy..Back to the story now..)

He chuckled...The old man came back and handed me a plate of slices of bread...Harry pointed to one of the pieces on the plate.

"Try that one first." He said.I nodded and picked it up...i took a bite and i fell in was amazing.

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