Chapter 5:

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"Brittany." I could hear someone call my name.

"Brittany.." I herd another person call me.I started to open my eyes...when they were fully open I looked to see Tabby,Lizzy and all of the One direction standing above me.I looked at them confused.

"Why the piss am i on the floor?" I asked sitting up.Liam and Harry who were both on either side of me...grabbed my arms and helped me stand up.Once i was standing they didn't let go of me.

"You had a panic attack....and blacked out." Tabby said.I nodded.

"Fantastic......" I said sarcastically."Wait......did Simon like us?" I asked remembering what happened before i had a panic attack and blacked out.

"I loved you guys...." I herd a deep british accent say from behind me.I turned around to see Simon standing there.

"You did?" Tabby asked.He nodded.

"Really?" Lizzy asked.

"Yes...Now quite asking before i change my mind." He said.I smiled and looked at the girls.They walked over to me and hugged me.We stood there in a group hug for like a minute.I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and join our group hug.

"NO!" Tabby said.The person who i now know is Harry..backed away with his hands up in mock surrender.I giggled and let go of the girls.I walked to Harry and hugged him.

"Thank you Harold." I said.He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Your welcome." He said.I pulled away and looked at the rest of the boys....I out stretched my arms and they ran to me and almost knocked me over but Harry caught me and i got situated and continued to hug all of them.

"Thank you boys!" I said.

"No problem." They said.Tabby and Lizzy joined in our massive group hug.Once we were finished i pulled away and looked at Simon then i looked at the girls.I gave them the rapist smile and they returned it...i looked back to Simon and so did the girls...we all gave him the rapist smile.We started to walk towards him slowly.He looked at us like he was scared and confused.Once we made it to him we invaded his bubble and hugged him.He chuckled and hugged us back.

"I think i need to get you girls a contract now." Simon said.We nodded and he chuckled and walked to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper along with a pen.He motioned for us to come to his desk,we walked to his desk and he pushed the paper in front of me first.I picked up the pen and looked at the girls who were smiling at me.I looked back to the paper and signed my name on one line.I slid the paper to Lizzy who was next to me.She took the pen and signed her name on the line under mine,She slid it to Tabby and Tabby signed her name on the line under Lizzy's then slid the paper back to Simon.He took the pen from Tabby and signed it himself then looked at us and smiled.

"So....I think i know what you girls should do you can get the full experience of being famous and what you will be basically doing when you get big because you girls' future is gonna be great!" He said.

"What should we do first?" I asked.

"Go on tour with the One direction boys and the Five seconds of summer boys." He said.

"That would be amazing!" Lizzy said.

"Yes it would!" Tabby said.

"Yay!This is gonna be great...we will have more people to hang out with on tour!" Louis said.We giggled.

"Ok....I guess we will go on tour with you guys." I said.They nodded.

"When do we leave?" Tabby asked.

"Actually last nights dinner was kind of a celebratory dinner for our opening act the 5sos boys.....we are leaving tomorrow at twelve in the afternoon." Harry said.My eyes opened wide.

"Really?!" Lizzy asked.They nodded.

"We have to talk to our family's about this." Tabby said.I nodded.

"I guess we can call them and talk to them tonight when we get back to the hotel." I said.The girls nodded.

"We are defiantly going....we just need to tell our family's what our plains are.......seeing as we left Georgia to come here and go to college and now we are going on tour with you guys....." Tabby said.They nodded and smiled.

"Okay girls best get to the hotel and get packed and talk to your parents....because we leave at 12:00 in the afternoon....but i want you girls ready before then so when we pick you up from the hotel you are ready to go....don't worry about getting all dressed up and pretty will do mostly sleeping until we make it to the tour buses." Simon said.We nodded.

"Okay....i guess we are off then." I said.They nodded and the one direction boys and us walked out of Simon's office and out to the elevator...we made it to the lobby and walked out side.We walked to the limo and got in.The driver started and drove to our hotel....Once we got their we hugged the boys and said bye.

"See ya tomorrow!" They said.

"See ya!" We said.I shut the door and we walked into the hotel..we walked to the elevator and got in..when we got inside of our hotel room the girls and i decided to go to our rooms and pack and call our family's.I walked into my room and cleaned up my room and made sure i had everything.I grabbed some comfortable clothes which are my black sweat pants with my off the shoulder white shirt that has a unicorn on it and it goes to right above my belly button.I Left my Cartman slippers out and packed everything else i took a shower and got changed into the comfy clothes..i put my dirty clothes in my suitcase and sat on my bed.I grabbed my phone and called my mom.She answered on the third ring.


"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey mom." I said.

"Hey are you?...did you girls make it to London safely?" She asked.

"I'm good..and yes we did...and i wanted to talk to you about something important." I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well......You see..." I explained the entire story of how i met Harry and us eating dinner and them discovering us and then us signing a contract with Simon at Syco records and how we are now going on tour with One direction and 5sos.

"That's amazing Britt!...I am so happy for you girls...You will do amazing!.....And hun...i have to go to i love you...text me when you get the chance!" She said.

"Thank you...and will do!...Love you too...Bye." I said hanging up.I put my phone on my bed side table and stood up...i turned my light off and crawled into my bed...I got snuggled under the covers and drifted asleep.



A/N: Hi guys......














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