Back Again

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***Disclaimer I do not own Sons of Anarchy or any of their characters I only own Lana. And this is a romance so be prepared for adult content i will warn you in the beginning of chapters. And this story will be vulgar and descriptive you have been warned.***

I woke in a room tied to a chair with a handkerchief tied around my mouth I faced a metal door, and I began to panic not knowing where I was. Last I remember I was working at dads old pub closing it up for the night before a man came out of an alley In front of me and swung a baseball bat at my head. I looked up from my thoughts when suddenly the door before me swung open and in stepped a tall built man. "Your in for a ride." The man said coldly threw his gritted teeth. I attempted to fight the bonds off but nothing worked. I tried to kick and curse as the man began tracing my shoulder with a butterfly knife then he began cutting into my skin the knife seemed to be sharpened to a pristine as it cut threw my skin like paper. After cutting my arm up he knelt down in front of me , I glared at him and smirked threw the handkerchief. "Your gonna answer every question I ask got it, or we will have to do this the hard way" He said flashing the knife in my face, I let out a chuckle as he took the handkerchief out of my mouth. "Now then where is your saint of a father." He asked sternly. I gave him an evil smirk and replied. "Up in your motha's ass."  He backhanded my face and I smiled licking the blood off my lip. "Alright we'll do it the hard way". He said as he grabbed a handful of salt and slapped it on the cuts on my arm, I groaned at the stinging sensation. "Tell me where SAMCROW is hiding him!" He asked angrily. "NOW!" He yelled. "I don't fucking know and even if I did your weak torture methods aren't gonna get shit outa me" I sneered at him, he stabbed a small blade into my thigh. I groaned and smirked as I stared into his eyes. "That all you got." I said, he stood and walked over to a table and picked up a syringe my eyes widened and my heart started pounding. He smiled and walked towards me "that's right... I know your history I do my research you junkie whore." He walked towards me, and I returned my face to its normal glare and smirk."I haven't talked to my dad in 15 years and don't plan on starting either." I watched him as he thought for a moment and he walked back to the table and put the needle down. When there was suddenly a bang, some yelling, and gunshots came from outside the room. "Shit." I heard the man say Under his breath he grabbed the needle again and rushed to me as the door swung open and in came Jax Teller along with Tig, Chibs, and another man I didn't recognize.  "Shit." I said under my breath. "Don't come any closer or I'll..." He was cut off as Jax nodded to the man I didn't recognize and the guy suddenly pulled a pistol out and shot the man that was threatening me in the leg.  My ears ringed as the man fell groaning at the pain. "What the fuck!" I yelled trying to get my hearing back "Happy untie her." Jax said to the man I didn't recognize who must be Happy, He pulled out a seriously impressive knife and headed towards me and cuts the ropes off my wrists.  "Impressive knife." I said rubbing my wrists. "Yeah even more impressive in action." He says his voice was rough and cold, it sent a shiver down my back with a sense of danger. I smiled and welcomed the feeling "What are yeh doin here Lana?" Chibs asked. I smiled "Wasn't by choice Scottie some asshole picked me up when I was closing the pub." "What did they want." Jax exhaled as he ran his hand threw his hair "To know where my Old man was." I responded pointing to my shoulder "Hap." Jax said to Happy who was stepping on the man laying on the floors leg injury making him groan louder the he got up looked at my arm. "Got it." He said his rough voice sending the same shivers as before. Happy moved towards a first aid case "What did you say to him." Jax asked with concern. "I said up his mothers ass." I replied with a smirk. "That's my girl." Said Tigs patting my shoulder. Happy moved back over to me with sanitizer and a bandage he grabbed my arm to put the sanitizer on my now throbbing arm, his hands were rough and his grip was tight. The sanitizer stung as it mixed with the salt and cleaned the cut he wrapped my arm and stood up "you aren't hiding my dad are you?" I asked jax wondering what this was all about. Jax shook his head and answered. "No he's starting shit with the mc, and not to mention ratting to ATF." I could hear the seriousness in his voice. "Fucks sake." I said under my breath as  we hear the doors outside bursting open and men walking into the building we all walked to the door. "Alright count of three we drop them." Jax said looking at the guys and me we all nodded and Happy hands me a 38special Pistol. "1...2...3!" Jax kicks the door open and we enter the room shooting at the men who stood with AK-47's. One guy pointed at me and shot I dove to the ground pulling my gun up pointing it at the guys head an fired. "Bullseye!" I yell getting to my feet "Yes!" I hear happy's rough voice exclaim from behind me as he shoots a man who was about to fire at Tig. After about five minutes the firing ceased and we all stood up "Shit." Jax exclaimed as we all look around at the bodies. Suddenly a man stands trying to make a run for it when Happy turns and shoots him in the head. The man instantly drops to the ground. "Alright Chibs get him to the truck." Jax says threw a sigh running his hands over his face. "Aye." Chibs replies signaling Tigs to help him carry the injured man to the truck as we run out of the building towards the bikes " Lana your going with hap." I nod following Happy to his bike. He shoves his helmet in my arms "Get it on." He says demandingly as he jumps on the bike turning the engine on. I jump on the back of the bike and wrap my arms around his waist and I quickly notice how toned his abs are, I shake my head not the time. Just as we all pull out four men follow closely behind us on there bikes, and one man fires at us hitting the mirror off Happy's bike "WHAT THE FUCK!" He yells with his deep rough voice as I turn around pulling the pistol out and shoot one last time hitting the guy square in the chest "Got him." I said impressed with myself wrapping my arms tightly around happy's waist again I turn my head seeing the remaining three guys. "We gotta get rid of them." I say loud enough to so he can here me over the engine, he nods and speeds up to get to Jax and Chibs who are in the truck so he can signal behind us "Tigs, Hap take them out." Jax replies to the two men "Ight." Happy says signaling Tigs to follow him we sharply turn around and Happy and Tigs both pull out automatic pistols and fire them at the three guys that were following us Happy hits one guy in the chest and the others tire causing him to wreck and Tig hits the last in the leg sending him to slide laying the bike over. I'd be surprised if he even has a leg after that fall. We turn around and speed up so we're behind the truck and I rest my head on Happy's shoulder with my hands on with abs. I let myself get lost in his scent. He smelled like cinnamon I closed my eyes to enjoy the rest of the ride to T.M a place I never thought I would see again.

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