A new learning experience

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The following morning I arose to a knock on the door. Half asleep, I stumbled my way through my quarters to answer.

“Come on Jayson, I know your asleep, but wake up.” It was Colton’s voice. Sounded like he had been up for a while now.

I eventually made it to the door and let him in. Normally I would change into casual cloths before heading outside my quarters, but pajamas would have to suffice for this time of the, night?

“Cyrus needs you in the dinning hall. After being informed about the events at Stonehenge, he‘s been stewing all night.” Colton‘s fatigued face lacked any trace of emotion outside of exhausted.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes, I’m only half asleep.” I said as I searched my dresser for decent cloths.

“Don’t make us wait too long. Cyrus likes to get things done in a timely manner, as do I.” He replied blandly.

“You do know the sun isn’t even up yet don’t you?” I said as I picked out a black shirt and some jeans.

“Five minutes.” Was all Colton said before he left my room and shut my door.

I changed as quickly as I could given my state. Finally I made it to the dinning hall. I’d say it was a total of seven minutes, they will live.

“Jayson,” Cyrus said, giving a nod of his head as a form of greeting, “Colton informed me that Tyson forced the Fallen Ones to see your true prophesy, even though they were one shy. As far as I know, that’s a first. The events eliminated one task from our burden, we no longer need to find the Fallen Ones, they were destroyed in the process. Now our main focus is you, you must be trained to be the wizard we all need you to be.”

“What is it that makes me so important?” I asked.

“We don’t know what choices will lie ahead of you. All we know is, you just became the number one most wanted wizard in their eyes.” Colton said as he shook his head.

“I understand that, but I’m only seventeen, these guys have been mastering the art for longer than I have been alive.” Frustration tainted my voice.

“We know that, and we sympathize for you, we really do. If I could take this off your hands, I would. But that fact remains as does the prophesy, you’re the one they want right now. The world just became a much deadlier place Jayson.” Colton’s voice flushed with sorrow.

“Slowly, the world has been consumed by magic, setting the stage for a war that we have been trying to prevent since the Order was founded. As the Gods feed off their new followers, magic will become the new future. Soon, the battlefield will be set and no place will be safe, for anyone.” Cyrus stated as he spread a world map on the table.

“See here,” Colton snapped his fingers, “The blue area’s are under our influence. The red, promak’s.”

I looked at the map, nearly all of the USA was red, save a few western portions. Europe was nearly equal on both sides. Canada suffered the same effects as the USA. There weren’t many blue territories. The biggest portion of blue was in Australia.

“Doesn’t look good on paper that’s for sure.” I observed out loud.

“Isn’t much better on the ground either. As the days go by, the colors shift, small areas of control either merge together, or fade away entirely. Colton and I will be absent from time to time as we assist in any way we can. Students will also come and go. But you, you will stay, you will train.” Cyrus said as he rolled up the map.

“I want to be out there, I want to help!” I pleaded, but I knew it wouldn’t get me anywhere.

“We need you alive. You will train until we know you can hold your own.” Colton said in his generic, ’we’ve had this conversation before’ voice.

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