Chapter One: The Club

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A/N - I AM SO SO SORRY. I have had this on my mind for a year, but I have been busy with school, exams etc. and never got around to writing it BUT I AM BACK NOW and I shall be writing this :D

Thank you for being patient.

/--/ Master Anderson \--\

The taste of his sweat on my tongue lingers as he moans out my name. With one hand I sweep up his side, barely touching his skin and sending shivers down his raised spine. "Mistress Georgia told me you came without her permission..." I pause, running my tongue slowly down the males chest. "You know what happens now... Don't you?" I ask seductively, blowing cold air down the wet trail I left behind.

When the male shivered and nodded I took one hard nipple between my teeth and bit down hard on it. "What was that? I didn't hear you," I growl, his nipple still between my teeth.

Shivering again, the boy raised his lower half off the sheets. "I k-know- ugh- wh-what happens." Hissing when I move and bite his other nipple, he raises his hips higher, trying to gain friction on his throbbing erection.

Reaching down I clutch harshly onto the lump in his trousers, softly digging my fingers into the material. "What important word did you miss at the end of that sentence Toy?" The growl is involuntary, but it does the trick as he yelps.

"S-sorry Ma-Master." It's my turn to shiver as the words leave his lips and my own erection starts to throb.

"Turn over. Hold your erection to your stomach and make sure I can see your balls. You get seven for cumming without permission and two for forgetting my title."

Removing myself from the male I stroll over to a large chest of drawers. Slowly creaking open the first drawer I withdraw a steel ruler. This should give a good sting to his balls and remind him who is really in charge here.

The instrument weighing in my hands make the boy tremble as I run the icy cold surface down his spine and between his ass cheeks. Resting the metal upon his left ball, I flick it slightly, not enough to count as a hit but hard enough to let him know I am going to begin. "Count and thank me after each one. You miss one, we restart and add three more. Do you understand Toy?" When he nods I step back slightly, rubbing the tool on his balls before pulling it back. With considerable force I whip it back down on his balls, my brain registering the hiss that leaves his lips.

"One. Thank you Master." Came his whimpered response as his body jerked forwards. Resting one hand on his hip, I pulled him back where the ruler was waiting. Repeating the same motion as last time, I hit his balls slightly harder with the ruler. "T-Two. Thank you M-Master."

Leaning in closer, I smack them with the same force as the second for four smacks. Every smack is counted for through gritted teeth by my little Toy. Watching him clench his muscles for the last ones I rub my hand over his ass. "Relax," I demand, but he doesn't.

Six sharp slaps to his naked ass makes him think twice and he relaxes slightly. Gripping the ruler tightly in my right hand, I pull back the other end of it with my other hand and ping it harshly at his balls. Doing this for the last of his hits I then lean forward and press gentle kisses to his balls, feeling his body shake. After he stutters out the last number I stride over to the mini fridge sat waiting in the corner of the room and pull out an ice pack, wrapping it in a towel and wandering back over to where Toy lays where I left him, how I left him.

Cupping the ice pack to his balls I whistle lowly, and in struts Mistress Georgia in her right lacy bodice and this charcoal black heels of hers.

"It's time for your reward for being such a good puppy," she murmurs. I have never really understood why she calls him Puppy, but before I can ponder any further I am ushered from the room, my punishment duty over.


A/N - This is a short chapter, I know, but I thought you guys deserve something.

Comments are welcome as long as they're nice ones.

Hope you enjoyed Little Crickets.

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