Chapter Two: Bad Puppy!

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/**\ Mistress Georgia /**\

The satisfying smell of leather snaked through my nose awhile I mercilessly whipped the behind of my Puppy. With his ankles tied together and his wrists tied to the headboard with his ass in the air, there was nowhere for him to go. I had warned him that if it got too much for him he was to kick his legs out, effectively laying him flat on the bed.

He had not moved, and we were nearing seventy strokes with the whip.

Pausing for the third time I approached his head. "Are you okay puppy?" Pulling the ball gag from between his lips I waited for his answer.

"I'm f-fine..." He whimpered. Pinging the ball gag back into his mouth I dropped the whip and picked up a riding crop.

Ten consecutive spanks were layered onto each of his ass cheeks. "You know to call me Mistress. It's not forgetting any more Puppy," I growl, whipping him harder with the riding crop. "No safe word for the next forty." Whimpers exploded around the gag as I landed the blows to his crimson ass. Feeling generous, I stopped at thirty and instead just landed two onto his balls. The whimpers that left him reminded me of his nickname, a smirk settling on to my lips as I dropped the crop on the floor.

"Roll over for me. There's a good Puppy!" I tease as he obeys my command, his back rising off the bed as I lean down, running the tip of my pointer finger along his fully erect little friend. "Who's such a good boy?" I murmur, kneeling down beside him. Reaching up I softly pet his head, a small smirk on my lips. "Awwh, my puppy is such a good boy!" I state as he rubs his head against my hand.

Though he claims to hate the pet name I gave him, he follows nearly all of my orders and even acts like a puppy for me. A part of me tells me that he secretly likes it, but doesn't want me to know.

A whimper from my pup brings me out of my thoughts, and I cast my eyes to his pained expression. "What does my puppy want? Hm? What does puppy want?"

His words are muffled around the gag but from the feel of his little friend, I have a pretty good idea of what it is he needs. "I'm sorry puppy but you came without permission so you don't get to cum for the next 4 days. Maybe if you'd asked for permission it would have been granted and you would not be still facing punishment now." He shivers as I trail my fingers down his abdomen, then back up to his chin which drips drool from the gag. "Messy puppy. Do you want me to remove the gag?"

He nodded enthusiastically, squirming as he did so. Incomprehensible words tried to escape around the gag but were swallowed by the intrusive object, causing more drool to run down his chin. "Only because that's gross, I will remove it. But no speaking!"

Reaching behind his head, I unclasp the gag and remove it, dropping it on the bed behind him. "You may briefly speak."

"Your puppy wishes to thank you for your kindness mistress and apologises for disobeying you. He asks for your forgiveness." Bowing his head forwards, he averted his eyes from my own in favour of the floor, as he had been taught.

"Of course I forgive you, but you still need punished." Tipping his head back up, I saw the slightly scared look in his eyes. He'd only just been handed back over by Anderson and now he was going back, for a worse punishment than the last. Letting out a low whine, he tried to give me puppy dog eyes, which just made me glare sternly at him. "I didn't say you could make a sound, did I, puppy? You seem to love disobeying orders today - maybe I should lengthen it to 5 days of no cumming..." I ponder aloud, running the tip of my finger along his painfully hard erection. "You clearly don't want to cum, because you won't behave..."

Trailing off, I stand from the bed and wander out the door, looking for Anderson. "Andy!" I call, and within moments I hear the patter of feet meaning that he was coming.

"Yes?" He replied, appearing in front of me.

"Your Toy needs punishing again." I was blunt, to the point. No point going on for ages.

Andy sighed, looking behind me to the door of the bedroom. "Again already?! That boy is in for it..." he growled, and I'm sure at Puppy could hear him, and I was even more sure that I heard another whimper come from the room. "Alright, I'll take him over to my room."

Walking back into the bedroom, I simply pointed to the door and gestured for Puppy to leave. He began walking towards the door when a hard slap to his ass made him remember to get onto his knees and crawl. He bowed his head in apology before crawling out of the door, where shortly after several hard slaps of hand-on-skin could be heard in the hall, and Andy's angry voice hissing at Puppy before the slaps continued.

It was going to be a long night for the pair of them.

|| A/N: I am aware that updates for this story are very far apart, but I am very busy at the moment with school work as I am in my final year of high school and as such have a lot of work to do, as well as a job. Updates for this story will be sparse, but it will be updated as and when I can write the story.

Quick vote; do you prefer Anderson or Georgia? What do you want to see happen to their Puppy/Toy? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time, little crickets. ||

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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