Catching Up

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"Guess who I ran into in the hall." I said to my friends.

"Voldemort?" Harry asked sarcastically.

"Uh, no. It was the infamous Draco Malfoy." I responded.

"What's Malfoy doing back at Hogwarts?" Ron said his name like it was a spider.

"I have no idea. But I intend on finding out." I say with confidence.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Neville said quizzically.

"You could just ask him." Luna suggested.

"And how do you propose I do that?" I retorted.

"By turning around" Luna responded.

I spin around faster then a tornado to find my self face-to-face with the famous Malfoy sneer.

"What did you want to ask me, Granger?" Malfoy spit my name like it was poison.

"I just wanted to know how you had the guts to show up here? You know, because everyone hates you." I say.

For a second I thought I saw hurt on his face but it must have been my imagination because it quickly turned back into a sneer.

"Well, if I want to be a banker I have to finish at this stupid school. So ta-ta. Hope to see you never." He said as he left our compartment.

"I wish he had never come back here." Ron said.

" I think he deserves a second chance." Harry commented.

"What! Did you not just hear that conversation? He hasn't changed one bit." Ron screeched.

"Apparently neither have you," I said to him in a huff. "Would it really be that hard to try and make amends? I mean Merlin's Beard, Ronald!!! People can change!!!" I bolted out of the compartment.

Ugh! Ron can be a total jerk sometimes! I can make Draco change. I believe he can. He couldn't kill Professor Dumbledore so maybe there's still a little good left in him.

Authors Note:
Hey-yo dear readers!! I hope you are enjoying this fanfic. I would love some comments on how you think it should go. I've got some ideas but I would love Your input!!

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