Changes (PGxML) (AT)

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Prince Gumball was in his laboratory doing some experiments when he heard a crash coming from upstairs. He became worried when he heard shouting so he started up the stairs and entered the hallway outside the kitchen and dinning rooms. In front of them were two people arguing. One looked like Mrs.Peppermint while the other one looked tall, pale and stick like in comparison to Mrs.Peppermint. He continued walking across the foyer towards the two figures and as he got closer he could start to hear what their conversation was about. "You shouldn't be here causing problem throughout the house messing up the schedules and such with your incisive attitude/actions. Gumball started to recognize the mysterious other person as none other that Marshal Lee his best friend who he so happened to have a humongous crush on. Gumball walked over to the two people arguing and grab Marshals wrist "Sorry Mrs.Peppermint. I'll take him away so he won't bother you." he smiles at Mrs. Peppermint and drags Marshal to his lab and shuts the door and turns to look at the other male. "What are you doing here bothering my staff?" Marshal looks down at his scuffed up shoes "I wanted to come see you and thought we could hang out for a little bit." he continues looking at his shoes "I can leave if you don't want me here." he starts walking to the lab door when Gumball grabs his wrist and quietly says "No. You can stay." He looks down blushing and says louder "Just don't mess with anything." Marshal looks up smiling widely and nods "Ok." He floats up unconsciously and follows Gumball back to his lab table "So what are you working on?" "I don't know really. I was just experimenting and seeing what results showed up from it." Marshal nods and looks around the lab and floats over to the other side of the room "What's this?" He points to a floor to ceiling cylinder and looks back at Gumball who is walking over to him slowly, thinking "Well.... it's a sypelegy (couldn't think of what to put so I made up a word lol) or in other words a Gender changing machine." Marshals eyes light up "Can I try it?" Gumballs eyes widen as well but from a different reason altogether "Well I suppose you can but it's only been tested a few times before and I don't know all the side effects that is causes." Marshal shrugs "I don't care." Gumball smiles at Marshals child like curiosity and excitement and walks over the the tube and on a panel beside it he pushes a few buttons and twists a knob or two and the door opens with a soft whoosh~ "Get in." Marshal smiles and flies into the machine and then lands onto the bottom of it "This is gonna be fun." He smiles at Gumball with complete trust and the door closes locking Marshal inside. Gumball starts typing in codes and flipping switches and the machine goes to work. Five minutes later the machine starts to slow down and then stops completely. The door opens and Marshal steps out and looks at Gumball "How do I look?"

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