Guitar lessons

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You had been wanting to learn how to play guitar for a while, so today was the day you did.
You where dressed up in your black skinny jeans, short black crop top and a black leather jacket.
You just got into the studio and greeted the person at the desk.

Man: "Well let me go get you an instructor. Ill be right back but feel free to take a seat."

You kindly take his word for it and sit in the comfy chair propped up. You waited a few minutes till you heard the man come back.

You stand up and watch as he comes out with someone else. This person had dark brown hair and beautiful big brown eyes. He was holding a guitar so you assumed he would be helping you today.

Man: "This will be your instructor for as long as you come for classes." He says cupping his hands together.

"Hi... Im Thomas." He says with a smile on his face and a hand out to shake. He had a amazing thick accent that made you melt with those words.
You simply reply with "Y/N." And shake his hand with a smile.

Thomas: "uhh well follow me." He says leading you into a little room with two chairs.
Thomas: "Well first ill teach you the basics." He says and grabs his guitar
You don't reply feeling shy, so you just follow his movements.

•the classes end•

Thomas: "Your very good." He says smiling "i would love to see you again."

Y/N: "i would love to come back again." You smile and tuck your hair behind your ear while looking at the floor.

He lifts up your head with his index finger.

Thomas: "Well... Ill give you my number and you can call anytime." You blush at that and he writes it down on a piece of paper.

I wanted to try doing imagines so hope you like em :)

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now