Becoming Besties

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Hazel : looks like im First here yaas i get to pick the bed i want

*she picks the Purple one and unpacks as she unpacks violet storms in*

Violet : hii whats your name ?

hazel : Hazel and yours ?

Violet : Violet , nice name btw . i love how u dress nice n comfy and --

* as she was about to finish her sentence when Chanel stormed in *

chanel ; what ? stop preeing and take your eyes somewhere else . kay ?!?

Violet ; Watch your mouth . Dont come in here like you own the place .

chanel ; ok well sorry mrs grumpy pants i was just telling you to stop doing a verb i didnt enjoy you doing

*a few hours later they found out they had so much in commen and came the best of friends !*

Hazel ; WERE THE INCREDIBLE 3 !!!!!!!!!!!


( Sorry for the short part but i really wanted to get this up before i go to bed so i made it as short as possible also thank you for 5 readers i know it seems short but to me its soo big because i just started anyways byeeee )

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