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Josh's POV
I can't believe Madison Nicole Ziegler is back. I want her to know that I remember her so I asked her to go to the park with me and she said yes.
Maddie's POV
I can't believe Joshua Dale Hyland just asked me to go to the park with him, I know I should not fall for home but he doesn't remember me so it would be okay...I think. Josh told me to meet him at the park after school.
*time skips to after school*
I quickly went home so I could change (outfit at the top). I told my mom I was going to the park which was a 2 minute walk from my house when I got there Josh was waiting on a bench as I approached the bench I saw he and Chloe were kissing.
We were at Kendall's house at her birthday party. I walking in with Josh holding hands but once we walking in he went with his friends and I went with mine. It was getting late so I was looking for Josh and as I was about to round the corner when I heard him and Chloe talking~
🎈- Hey babe
💥- Hey hottie
🎈- so maybe you should come over later
💥- Ok but what about Maddie
🎈- I don't like Maddie I asked her out for a dare I love you Chloe
💥- Well I love you to so see you later
I had heard everything and I turned the corner with tears streaming down my face and said 2 words that I regret and that I don't and those are "we're done".
So when I saw them I turned around and ran I ran all the way home tears clouding my vision. I need to do something to get my mind off of him so I texted Kendall and if you don't know Kendall, Brooke, Paige, and Nia are my only friends. Chloe, Kalani, and Jojo are really mean to us.
💋- hey KK can you come over now
💟- hey and sure Mads but why
💋- long story
💟 - ok and I am outside
( me and Kendall are neighbors btw)

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