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I went to the Hylands house because I was going to break up with Josh and I knocked on the door. Paige opened the door and I asked to see Josh she said I shouldn't go in his room so I got curious so I started up the stairs and I opened the door and my heart shattered. I saw Josh and Chloe making out and what hurt the most was Josh was not pulling away he actually was kissing back. It hurt so much and I couldn't show weakness so I said we are over and walked out of the house and ran to my house. As I entered the house I ran to my room and cried my eyes out. I really thought he was different but I guess not. I can't have Josh know how hurt I was so I came up with a plan. Since it was Friday that meant tomorrow would be a huge party at Lucas Triana's house so I will go and I will not look like josh effected me at all.
* fast forward to time for the party*
I finished getting ready and I drove to the party. When I got there people were drinking and I didn't want to so I didn't. I see Paige when I get there so I walk over to her and we walk outside. I see Josh outside and when I walk out he looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his head.
Josh's POV
When I see Maddie my heart starts racing. She looks gorgeous. I then realize I don't have feelings for Chloe. I really need to get Maddie back and fast. All of the boys are flirting with her because when we were dating they would flirt with her but now she is single so she could flirt back. I run inside and I break up with Chloe. She didn't care. I need to get Maddie back.

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