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Me and Josh decided we would invite his family to our house for a formal dinner and tell our parents that me and Josh are dating. We are getting ready for dinner and the Hyland's live across the street from us so my parents are getting dinner cooked in the kitchen and Brooke, Paige, and Josh came over early. When I opened the door Josh pecked me on the cheek and we went up to my room. We decided that after dinner Kenzie, Brooke, and Paige would get the dishes since they already know and we would tell our parents.
*time skips to dinner*
M- mom, dad, Mr. Randy, and Mrs Kelly me and Josh have to tell you something
J- Me and Maddie are dating
m- I knew it
K- me to
J and M- how
K- we saw how you two said goodbye to each other and on the plane how you to were cuddling we knew it would happen.
G- Maddie I love you but are you ready to date
M- yes, I'm in high school
R- Josh you better not let her go she is to perfect
J- trust me I won't
G- you better be good to her
M- he is so sweet and amazing to me
Kelly's POV
I had a picture of them cuddling on the plane so I posted it on Instagram saying- cutest couple in the world❤️ #mosh
I knew they hadn't said anything so I thought I would be the first. I posted it and it immediately got thousands of comments and likes since we are all famous and on dance moms.

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