Chapter 3

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Perry was laying next me, her hand draped heavily across my waist as her polka dot dress started sliding a little high above the knee. Her hair, falling over her neck, tangled as she moved in for a kiss. Her lips folding into mine, fitting together like machinery, nuts and bolts twisting perfectly together.
I woke up in sweats, this girl must be something special, I've never kissed a girl, dream or no dream.
I stayed wrapped up in my comforter, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what I would do today. I had to go to the store and pick up supplies to make a good dinner so Perry could come and have a fancy night with me. I started making a list if what a needed to buy and added a new dress to my list. I look great in 1950s dresses and a new one might really impress her.
I drove over to my favorite part of town and parked my car so I could walk around the antique shops and small botiques. In one I found a beautiful pearl comb to add to my hair once in its updo along with a pearl necklace to match. I ended up with a white dress with pink and red roses placed along the hem and around the neck. I had a nice red tool skirt to go underneath at home.
On my way back to the car I was thinking about what could go wrong and started worrying about all that would go wrong. What if she didn't like my aesthetic, all 50s with an updo and a hoop skirt, what if she found me cheesy or ridiculous. My heart started beating, I had never been so worked up before over a girl or guy. I sat in my car and closed my eyes, tried to regulate my breathing and stop my hands from shaking. God, she'd think I'm such a whimp, cowering in my car, having yet another panic attack. I can't control them and they always happen, sometimes even when I'm perfectly fine.
I headed to the store once I calmed down, grabbed some marinade and two chicken brests, potatoes, carrots and corn. I put the chicken to marinate as soon as I got home and went to my room. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.
She picked up after only two rings, "Hello, what's up cutie?"
"I'm inviting you over. Wear something nice and classy, be here in two hours."
"Demanding, I see. What makes you think I'll show up?"
"You wouldn't buy me tickets and cotton candy and put up with me all day just to leave without sex, so you can't be done yet"
"Hmm, such a romantic I see. Well, I hope that was sarcasm because you should know that is not all I care about"
"I know"
"Okay, I'll see you at seven, text me your address"

I sliced the potatoes, added the carrots and chicken and cooked it all in a roasting pan while the corn boiled above the stove. I put my hair up in a twist and added the pearl, did my makeup to accentuate my blue eyes, put on some daring red lipstick, hopefully to call her attention to my lips. I threw on the under poof to make the dress full and slid the dress on, doing a once over in the mirror and smiling at how the look came together. I put on the pearl necklace as my finishing touch, completely pleased. I went out and saw is was 6:56, my timer was going off and the corn was to a boil. My date would be here any minute, perfect. I put the corn on it's own separate serving dish, set two plates and sets of silverware across from eachother. I put the roasting pan in the middle and a dish of cranberry on the other side. Just as I finished, the bell rang, 6:59, a minute early. I opened up, and looked Perry up and down, forcing my mouth to remain shut. She was wearing a tight body dress that formed to her beautiful curves. The bottom layer was peach, perfectly matching her skin and had a looser sheer top layer that was black. The dress was simple and elegant, and she looked gorgeous. She had on nude heels and her hair was in a short braid.
"Come in, please", I finally managed to utter.
She slipped her heels off at the door, came over and wrapped me in a big hug. It was warm and comforting and I was sadden by the coldness when she released me. She complemented me on my beautiful meal and I pulled her chair out for her. She sat gracefully, and I took my seat across from her.
"You look..", we both began to speak at the same time.
"You first", I said.
"You look, stunning"
"Thank you, I couldn't help but notice the same of you"
We enjoyed our meal and some idle chit chat during such. Afterwards we moved to the living room where I invited her to sit with me on the couch. At this point, I was getting sleepy and she could tell.
"I'm okay if you want to go put on some comfy clothes, technically our date is done"
"Are you sure? I would hate to be rude"
She assured me she'd be more happy to see me comfortable so I rushed upstairs to pull my hair down and brush it out, remove my necklace, and stare at my pajamas, trying to find the sexiest pjs without seeming forward. I just wanted her to find me attractive. I ended up with a simple black tank with spaghetti straps that showed off my collar bone and some loose baggy blue shorts that accentuate my legs. I headed downstairs to find she had not moved.
"You look far more comfy now, what's that in your hand?"
"I brought you some clothes to change into, so neither us feel out of place"
"Ah, thank you, I'll go change now".
She came out, and I never realized how attractive someone in your pajamas was until she walked out in my sweatpants and tank and I just wanted to hold her close. As she sat on the couch I inched closer and lay my head on her shoulder. She smiled and layed on the couch letting me reposition so we could cuddle for a few. We layed like that for an hour, talking about ourselves while I lay my head on her heart.
She was talking about the first time she realized she liked girls and when I looked up she was staring at me. I let my eyes drifted from her mouth to her eyes as she did the same.
"You know, that red lipstick was incredibly appealing", she finally said. "Good" I muttered as I moved in to kiss her full on the lips. Our lips interlocked and we kissed for a good thirty second, my heart beating and my insides twisting, before she finally pulled away and I continued to lay on her chest.

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