Chapter 5: Prince Gumball

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Marshall Lee POV

As quietly as I could I close the door to the room where Gumball slept soundly, I walk down the hallway thinking about yesterday's talk with Simone. I knew she was right but the stubborn part of me refuses to believe a word she said. I know that Gumball is better off being a prince, but what if these people treat him horribly? What if they don't really care about him? How can I guarantee he will be happy and safe under their roof?

"Marshall have visitors." Simone says interrupting my train of thought, I look up at her and see fear painting her face

I swallow hard then follow after her to the mouth of the cave and there I am greeted with Royal guards. This time though there are twice as much banana guards than last time and there is a new person, a female maid with short red and white hair and piercing look in her eyes.

"I'm assuming you are the vampire king?" she says hotly

"And I'm assuming you're here for Gumball." I retort glaring at her

"That's Prince Gumball to you. And yes, we are here for his highness."

"Where were you six years ago?" I ask suddenly, the maid looks shocked as if she wasn't expecting such question. "You say you want him now, but where were you when Gumball needed you six years ago?" I repeat this time louder

"That...that's none of you business." She says her voice has lost its edge and she avoids eye contact looking down as if in shame

I have to find out if these people are worthy. I need to know how they truly feel about Gumball.

"It is my fucking business! If I wasn't there for him at that time Gumball wouldn't be even alive now!" I shout pointing my finger at them, "What exactly happened that day? You claim to love him and need him yet you abandoned him in the middle of nowhere. And now when the going gets rough you decide it's time to say sorry? What kind sick minded people are you?"

"Look we didn't mean for all of this to happen. Losing the prince was not on purpose." the maid says, "That day, six years ago we got ambushed on our way to the Fire Kingdom and his highness got kidnapped. We searched for him everywhere but we never found him, and finally when we lost hope we heard a rumor about a smart kid who has hair made of bubblegum. And after asking around and investigating we were lead to you."

"Do you really believe Gumball would gladly go with you? He has an opinion in this matter in case you forgot!" I spit

"At this moment, the situation of the Candy Kingdom is a lot direr than this." She says stoically

"You guys are unbelievable! Like hell I'll hand over Gumball to you! He's staying with me and that's final!"

"If his highness stays with you then we have no choice but charge you with kidnapping. And this sentence will lead to a war." The candy machine from yesterdays speaks out coldly

"Prince Gumball belongs with us." the maid speaks louder stepping forward and pushing the candy machine back. "He is the rightful heir to the throne, and the only one who can set things right in the Candy Kingdom. Over the last six years life has been hectic for all the candy citizens, crime rates have increased dramatically and people are moving out looking for another place. If things continue at this pace the Candy Kingdom will cease to exist!"

"Do I look like I give a fuck about that? Gumball is more important to me than anything else."

"If he's important to you as you claim he is than what about his future? Have you ever thought about that? Eight years from now what are you going to tell him about this? About the Candy Kingdom? About his destiny?" She cries, her eyes pleading me as if begging me to see reason,

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