Rattleballs and the Banana guards

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Gumball's POV

"Ready or not? Here I come!" I hear Marshall yell as I shuffle in my hiding spot and try not make a sound. I hear the sound of furniture moving and doors opening as Marshall's voice got closer.

"Where are you?" he calls "Hmm maybe you're inside the fridge?"

I clamp my mouth shut trying not to make a sound, this time for sure I was going to win. While I wait patiently for Marshall to give up I suddenly notice how silent it had become. Sure Marshall doesn't walk most of the time; instead he flies, but he's always making some sort of noise. Like pushing things around or yelling really loud. I close my eyes and strain my ears trying to listen to the faintest sound. Then I hear it. A silent whisper of 'hey'. And it came from beside me.

I take a deep breath and turn to look to my side, but there wasn't anyone. Am I imaging things? Where was Marshall anyways? I feel a tap on my right shoulder however when I turn back around I don't see anyone. I start to panic. Is there a ghost here? What's going on?

Then out of the blue Marshall breaks into a laugh as his body slowly starts appearing from thin air. He's holding his stomach and laughing really hard.

"Hey! No fair! You can't do that!"  I cry

"There are no such rules in the game book pink boy. Deal with it." He says wiping a tear from his eye

"Well how am I suppose to win this game if you keep using you're vampire powers?"

"Gee I don't know? Maybe get better at hiding? Oh I know! I know! How about accepting defeat?" he smirks

"You're so mean!" I say before launching at him making him topple down to the floor.

"What makes you think you can take me on? You're hundred years to early! Literally!" he laughs

Just then a loud knock on the door startles us, Marshall puts me down on the floor and I wonder who could visit us at this hour. "Are you expecting anyone? Is it Ashley?" I ask in disgust

"If it was Ashley she wouldn't knock, she would just barge in." Marshall says as he unlocks the door and opens it.

Outside our house stood three banana guards behind what looks like a candy machine. His red body is shaped like an upside down gumball machine, with thin metallic limbs. He also seems to carry what looks like silver fencing sword. A weird uneasy feeling settles over me and I stick close to Marshall. These guys reeked of authority figure.

"Can I help you?" Marshall asks

"Actually yes." Says the candy guy, "We have received some information about the whereabouts of our missing Prince, Bonnibeau Gumball. You have heard of him I presume?"

"Yes I have, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Well." The guy says eyeing me. Marshall's hand goes over me pushing me back, "that will be because our informants told us that you are keeping his highness with you."

 I gasp silently somehow knowing they are talking about me. My grip on Marshall tightens.

"I'm sorry but your informants are wrong." Marshall says, "The prince is not with me and I don't know where he is."

"You're the infamous Marshall Lee aren't you? The Vampire King?"

"Yes that would be me, and I demand some sort of respect out of you guys also a formal apology."

"Sir, if you don't hand in the prince this instant you would leave me with no choice but to charge you with kidnapping  and resisting the police." The guy spits

"Charges my ass! Fuck off man you've got the wrong person!" Marshall yells

The candy guy then rushes forward and grabs hold of my arm pulling me towards him.

"Marshall!!" I scream reaching out my hand but I'm jerked back and pushed towards the banana guards

"Let him go! He's not the fucking prince!" Marshall screams loudly and shifts into a giant bat, the banana gaurds freak out and run away but the candy guy stays put. He tosses me to the side before pulling out his sword and runs at Marshall.  Marshall swings his hand at him sending him flying and hitting the side of the cave. I run to Marshall as soon as he reverts back to his human self, he pulls me to him and hugs me tight.

"Are you oka-?" he begins to ask but I cut him off with my wailing,

"I'm not the prince! I swear I'm not! Please don't let them take me away!" tears pool out of my eyes and I sniff loudly

"No one is taking you anywhere! Not while I'm alive." He reassures me, and then he stands up and flies to our room carrying me with him. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible." Marshall grabs his guitar then turns back to a huge bat and we fly out of the cave and away from our home.


After flying for few hours Marshall and I rest within the forest beneath a big apple tree. I chew slowly on the apple watching the sun setting at the horizon, while Marshall continues to suck the red from his apple and tossing the remains aside.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask silently, Marshall shrugs throwing another dead apple to the pile accumulating beside him. "Marshall, are we going to be fugitives? Will I not be able to go to school anymore?"

"I don't know Gumball! We cant go back." He huffs then adds, "Unless you want to be the prince."

"NO!" I cry, dropping my apple in the process, "Don't give me to them! Don't let them take me! Please Marshall, I don't want to go."  I jump on him and wrap myself around his body, I clung to his red shirt tightly refusing to let go.

"I'm sorry, I was just kidding." He chuckles sliding an arm around me

"Well, it's a very bad joke." I mumble against his shirt

"I know." He whispers petting my hair. "I will never let them have you. I'll protect you at all cost."

I perk up at that then pull out my pink and say, "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." He smiles softly then it slowly breaks into a smirk and he says "they definitely got the wrong person though; because come on, you? A prince? There's no way that's true."

"Why not?" I ask meekly

"Really Gumbutt? I read you bed time stories almost every night, you're a scardy cat, you drink milk before you sleep, you cry a lot, and you depend on me for nearly everything."

"I don't need you to read me stories every night, last night I slept without one." I pout turning to look away, "and I don't cry."

"Sure you don't." Marshall snorts and I stick my tongue out at him

Chuckling he gets up and dusts off his pants then picks up his guitar and says, "Come on let's go, I know someone who might help us."

"Who? Where are we going? Is it going to be a long trip?" I stand up too and follow after him

"Yes, it's going to be long. But before we head out we need to make a quick stop to get your winter coat."

"Are we going to the Ice Kingdom? Are we going to see the Ice Queen?" I ask excitedly jumping on my feet.

"Yes, we are. I really hope Simone will be willing to help us."  Marshall Lee shape shifts to a giant bat then carries me on his back and we fly away back to the direction of the cave.

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