Chapter three

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-The most flawless person ever,

Scarlet's p.o.v

I slammed the door behind me and sighed, I looked at Devin the amazing child who kept me going since the beginning, he looked back at me and sighed, we were both tired I walked to Devin and scooped him up bridal style, it like something I was doing lately, I put laid him on a church benc hand let his head rest on my lap, he muttered incomprehensible and closed his eye's and fell asleep.

I looked in my bag and realized there was only two more can's left I needed to do a run soon, I looked at Devin and took his gun out of his holster and put the safety on, I heard the door open and chatter circulate I turned around and glared at the main source of noise which was the priest talking about a food bank and a when it happened, I didn't believe one bit then s guy was saying , I didn't like him and I never will.

I saw blue eye awe he looked so bored until he saw me and did a sad smile, but his eyes were telling me something else I put my bag under Devin's head and walked over to the group.
"I'm coming on the run to" I said
The leader named Rick, I think said "Well your a fiery red head eh?"
"Ya my bag is almost empty I only have two cans left which means my brother will only be fed for the rest of today and I need more food for him tomorrow" I replied
"What about your self" said an Asian boy about twenty-three
"My brother is my main priority just like your girlfriend is to you, and I can live a day or two with out food or water, Devin on the other hand can't he'll become weak and I'll have to carry him then I'll become weak then we will both die and I can't do that to my brother he deserves a chance to live."
I crossed my arms over my chest and lifted my chin up high, Rick sighed a scratched his head, I narrowed my eyes at the priest and then I said just before Rick opened his mouth,
" I don't like you I don't trust you and your a fake, stay away from my brother or I'll puncture your kneecap with my knife so fast and I'll leave you outside tied up to a tree and watch you get eaten and die, alright? Oh and by the way nice to meet you my name is Scalet and I hope I don't have to kill you."
The priest gulped and started sweating and said
"Well" I responded "that's good news"

Everyone just stared at me in shock and I felt like hiding under a bench in habit my arms reached up in my sleeves and I realized that I left my knives in the walkers head outside, of course I have more up my sleeves, but those are just my favourite ones because I killed my second and third walkers with those knives,
"And if you'll excuse me I left my knives out side, gun in hand I put my foot on the things head and lifted my knife out I let out a little ew and went to the next walker and pulled my knife out, I heard a little crack in the woods, but no moaning, just heavy breathing, I stepped closer to find a puppy, a cute little baby German shepherd no more than three months old, the puppy gave a little growl and whimper then it fell, I turned it around to see what sex it was, there was no penis so it was a girl well. I hope it was unless something was very very wrong I giggled at the thought, oh I was a very sick person, I scooped the puppy dog up on my arms a rushed over to the church, and I said
"It's a puppy!"
Every one looked at me like I was some bipolar person hahahahah,
"Why are its eyes closed" stated the blue eyes
"Ummmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know" I answers he was a mood killer that boy.
The Asian boys girlfriend rushed up and took the puppy from my arms, and said
"Sorry it will only be a minute."
I nodded my head in agreement and walked over to the office to be alone for a minute or two, I walked in the office and hear a small echo, I walked in the same spot and heard a hollow noise I stomped my foot over and over and over again, i felt a pain on my head and I fell on the couch and everything went black .

I woke up with licking all over my face, I opens my eyes, everything was groggy and my head was throbbing I sat up and wiped the eye crust away, I looked down and saw it was the puppy that I saved my it wasn't dead, yay. I hear a creak and a grunting noise I looked up and saw a man with a crossbow leaning against the door frame wasn't his name Daryl? I grunted back and glared.
"What are you going to name her?" Daryl asked
"I said wha-"
"Oh. Her name. Ummmmmmm. Shilo I guess?"
"Well Shilo it is." Daryl grinned

We both sat up, and walked out of the office then I asked Daryl
"How long was I out?"
"About fifteen minutes?"
"So we didn't go on the run?"
I grinned, I walked out and the Asian boy named Glenn (I heard his girlfriend call him)
Walked over to Daryl, they muttered a couple of words, I knew it was about me, and sighed, I stood up on the bench and asked everyone for their attention
Everyone turned towards me, Devin yawned and woke up, I flinched I forgot Devin was asleep, my eyes went beside to where I saw Devin and saw blue eyes beside him, his lips moved and Devin giggled.
" So. I found a puppy, now that puppy is mine and Devins, and you will treat Shilo with respect and I hope that you like her and not allergic to dogs because she is staying with us as a guard dog, okay?"
"Okay" the muttered
I felt my chin raise higher I made a reputation of myself.

"Scar?" I heard a familiar eight year old voice behind me
"Dev what do you want." I sighed, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to get on going to the run get dog food, human food, water, a sweater for Devin because winter is near, new runners for Devin, a back pack because Devin is getting old enough to carry things, not heavy things like me, but food, his clothes and stuff like that and a dog leash and collar for Shilo.
"Oh, je just voulais te dire que j'aime pas cette home qui s'appelle Gabriel, je croix qu'il est étrange dans son tête.(I just wanted to tell you that I don't like that man named Gabriel I think he is strange in the head) "
Oh yea I forgot to say, but my dad was French Canadian, he's not Devins father, in fact my mom got inseminated with Devin because she thought she would never find a man to have another baby with after my parents divorce when I was a baby, but spice my dad's family could only speak French I learned how to speak it and spoke to Devin in french all the time when we were with our old because I didn't want them to know that I didn't trust them so I made up a lie saying that he could only understand English, and with time when we escaped our group I started speaking to him in English and he caught on, but he only has the smallest accent and he always messes up his words in english, we only spoke like in this language if he didn't want people to understand us because we were sharing a secret or because we didn't trust the group or someone in the group.
"Je sais Dev je sais, rest loin de lui quand je suis parti, dacord? Et prendre soins de Shilo pour moi, si vous plait. ( I know Dev I know, stay for away from him when I'm out, alright. And take care of Shilo for me when I'm gone, please.)"
"Oui ma sœur, toujours pour toi.( yes my sister always for you)" And with that he kisses me like the French do on both of my cheeks and waddles over to blue eyes and starts laughing.

"Well." I hear Rick say " We are going off for a run."
"Wait I want to come to, please?" I turned around to the voice and saw the awful Garbage, yes that's what I call Gabriel now,
Rick sighed and nodded, Garbage skipped with joy I just rolled my eyes.

It was a small walk to town, it was a very small one too, I escaped from the group and walked to a shoppers drug mart around the corner and collected bottles of water can's a can opener some dog food that didn't expire yet, Bumping into walkers and killing them through out the store, I managed to find old running shoes and a sweater for Devin, I walked into the the pet section again and collected a leash and collar for Shi (the dogs new nickname) I walked around a bit more and found a small teddy bear the size of my forearm, I smiled and picked it up, right behind the bear were blankets, I needed a few because winter was coming and I didn't want Devin to get a cold I looked aroungpd and saw tampons I collected a few boxes and and ripped them open and put them in my new bag, I saw condoms and I thought of Glen and his girlfriend, I did the same thing and broke the boxes to everything and fit them in my new bag, I heard my name being called I quickly grabbed can's of food and some chocolate bar on the way out, I ran as fast as I could with two huge bags filled with stuff back to Ricks groups and wheezed out,
"Sho..ppers dr..ugh mart." I managed to gasp " load..ed."
Rick just nods "How loaded?"
"Everything has stalk." I grinned
Then stupid Garbage had to inter fear and said "Last time I saw that shoppers drug was over run."
"Well I guess not anymore." I said
He just gave me a weird glance and a raised my chin and glared.
"Your hiding something and I know it." Said garbage
"I wouldn't be saying that because you are hiding something too." I shot back
He lowered his head and started walking back to the church, I giggled quietly to myself
"99 walkers killed" I half giggle half whispered to myself
I looked up and started following the group back to home base.... For now.

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