Part 2

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I called up Billy's four friends, Frederick, Samantha, Marcus and Zachary. All of their mothers agreed to the birthday party at Freddys. I honestly still have a bad feeling about this.


"Billy it's time for you to go to bed now. You have a big day tomorrow," I tell my son.
"Yes mum, oh hey did you invite Freddy? Did his mum say yes?"
"Hehe how could I ever forget your best friend? And yeah she did say yes. Why wouldn't she? You guys are practically brothers," I say. Billy grins at me sheepishly. "Okay now go to beeed!"
"Yes mum!" I watch him run to his room happily. I let go a little sigh. He is just like his father. Such a happy person.

Maybe I should go get to bed now. I could use some sleep. I walk into my bedroom to get dressed into my pyjamas. As I was getting dressed I thought I saw a shadow of some sort outside my window. Nah, maybe I'm just seeing things. I quickly finish getting dressed and hop into my bed.

I heard a sound coming from outside. Nope it just my imagination I keep telling myself. That is when I hear another noise. I pull up the blankets up to my cheeks and shut my eyes tightly hoping the noise will go away.

Then after a few seconds the noise stopped again. I calmed down a little and shifted my position.

Shortly after I start hearing footsteps. That's it, I've had enough. I decided to go and check out what this thing might be. I grab the closest jacket to me and grab the baseball bat that sits underneath my bed waiting to be used.

I quickly and quietly make my way outside, to the backyard, where I heard the noise. I look around.


Absolutely nothing

I knew it was my mind playing tricks on me. As I walk to my back door, I feel as if someone was watching each and every move I make. I then hear a stick snap. I quickly looked back behind me to again see nothing.

This is so frustrating. I can't figure out who is in my back yard. Then I give up on looking for the person and decide to go back to bed. As soon as I got into my house, I looked once more into my back yard through the window of my back door to see a human figure. I quickly lock my door and darted to my sons room. I checked if he was okay. Everything I was fine. Then I ran into my room. I jumped into bed with my bat and cuddled it as if it would protect me. I then am on the verge of falling asleep when I remember something...

Hey, wait a minute.... Was that human figure.....





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