You never came back

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After Mary left to attend to the suppliers I couldn't help but wonder why all of a sudden she felt so insecure. I think I handled the whole situation with Laura earlier quite well. I didn't give her any reason to think that I would even remotely be interested in Laura or give her a second chance. I worked way to hard to get over her. I could never just open up my heart for her again. I am so over Laura and its all thanks to Mary. I don't know what I would have done or where I would have been if it wasn't for her. Why Laura had to come back here is beyond me. She has done enough damage in my life. Now she comes and creates uncertainty in my relationship by just pitching up here without warning. How dare she?

I cant help but wonder what Laura and Mary was arguing about. I didn't want to ask Mary earlier because I don't want her to get the wrong impression. I am sure it was nothing, probably just my curiosity getting the better of me. I am sure Mary was just being very protective and knowing Laura she would not back down easily.

As I walk around the club again looking at everything, I'm not really seeing anything. My mind is just not with me right now. My body is walking around but my mind is somewhere else. I start wondering if Mary eventually came to making a reservation somewhere for Laura and James and if she made a note of it.

I walk towards the reception. Looking around I don't see anything but the note book lying there. I page through the book, nothing. Go through the pile of business cards lying there still to be sorted into the business card holder, nothing. So I guess they never got around to making the booking. What so now my money aren't good enough anymore. Who the hell does she think she is? She reminds me that I owe her a dinner. I offer it to her and she rejects it. I pick the notebook up again and slam it down onto the counter in anger.

"Tay" My legs weaken at the sound of her raspy voice.

"Argh, Laura I thought you had left. Did Mary not tell you to leave? I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. I don't want to know anything about you and I am definitely not interested in anything you might have to say. Do you not get it? I don't want you here?" I almost shout at her without even turning around to face her. I just cant look at her. It hurts.

"Yes, she told me to leave and I did leave, but then I came back. I need to talk to you Tay. All I'm asking is five minutes please." She pleads with me and suddenly I feel her hand on my shoulder. My hearts skips a beat or maybe a couple of beats or maybe its not beating at all anymore. Okay no its still beating. Just barely.

I quickly turn around and in one big movement I am far enough away from her to not be able to lay a hand on me again. I cant deal with her touch and neither can my legs. I stare straight into her beautiful eyes and her stare still burns right through my soul.

"Okay Laura. Firstly, it's Taylor. You lost the rights to any pet names a long time ago and secondly you have five minutes, speak." I say sternly and I can see Laura does not appreciate it.

"You know Taylor" and she makes a point of it for me to hear she uses my full name "can we at least be civilised. We are both adults here. I didn't come here to fight with you. I came here...."

"Why Laura, why did you come here?" I interrupt her "Why after one year, just as I started making progress and gotten over you. Why would you step back into my life and come and fuck everything up all over again. Please enlighten me" I snap

She stares at me with a horror expression on her face. She is trying to say something. She opens her mouth, but no sound is coming out. I am so furious right now. Why the hell did she even come back.

"Why did you even come back here Laura? I waited and waited for you a year ago. I hoped that you would come back. After all the promises you made me and what you led me to believe. You never came back. I waited. So why come back now, today. It makes no difference to me. It could have made a difference a year ago. I waited for you. Like an idiot I thought you would realise your mistake and come back. I waited" Tears are building up as I am reminded of that day all over again. "I loved you and I waited. Please Laura, please just leave. Please I am asking you to just go. Just leave me alone. You have caused enough damage and seeing you just unnecessarily opens up old wounds. I just cant do this again. I don't want to go through this again." I say in a much more composed, calm, soft manner.

Laura is looking at me with one huge ass question mark on her face. In actual fact she looks completely flabbergasted. I am wondering what it was I said which she didn't understand.

"Okay Taylor, I will go. I didn't want to upset you and I sure as hell didn't come here to fight with you. I will go, but I will be back because if I was uncertain before I came here I am now more convinced than ever that we really do need to talk. Better sooner than later. There's a lot of things we need to talk about." She takes a step towards me. She is so close to me right now I can take in every smell of her. I feel the reception counter pressing against my back. I cant move an inch.

She leans up against me, stretching to the side and place something on the counter. "I'm leaving you my number. My number changed. When you calmed down and your ready to talk, give me a call. Please Taylor, we need to talk. I will wait for your call. But I wont wait forever. I will give you a couple of days and if you haven't called I will just pitch up and I will make you listen to me. You can kick, scream and shout, but talk we are going to talk."

She turns around and walks towards the door. Who the hell dos she think she is throwing demands in every direction. Who says I want to talk to her. If I don't want to talk, I wont talk and she sure as hell wont make me.

As she opens the door in comes Mary "you again" she says to Laura with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Yes Mary, me again. It's a free world you know. I can go where ever the hell I want and its got nothing to do with you. If I can give you a word of advice, stay the hell out of my way, I am on to you" Laura sets Mary straight. I have never heard her speak to anyone like this before. She was furious.

"Don't for one second think that I am in the least bit intimidated by you Laura. You're the one who fucked up. Stop looking around for someone else to blame and take some responsibility for your actions. The only one to blame here is you." Mary hits back

What are they talking about? They are going at each other like there is no tomorrow. What do they know that I don't?

Laura turns around facing me again "Oh and Taylor, I did come back" with that she turns around pushing Mary out of the way almost bumping her off her feet and disappears.

She came back. She came back. Yes I know she came back. What does she think I am delusional. I was talking to her. I know she came back.

"What was she doing here again Taylor" Mary speaks to me with a stern annoyed voice. "Did you...."

"Did I what Mary? Did I what? Did I wait for you to leave the club and phoned her to come back. No! I don't have control over other people okay. She just came back. I did not invite her over for a cup of tea. I honestly don't need this shit from you right now. I am going to my office if anybody is looking for me and to avoid an unnecessary fight or should I say bigger fight, do not follow me."

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