What's in the box

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Chapter 22

Its been almost two months since we had the conversation in my office and I have never been happier. Everything is going great. The club is doing much better than expected. We eventually had to implement the guest list procedure we had on the opening night on a permanent bases as the demand for entry was just to high and we don't want to go over our limit of people allowed inside.

Things between Laura and me, well what can I say, it could be better. We fall more and more in love every single day. We have our small lovers quarrels here and there and then laugh about it a couple of minutes later. Laura knows I cant stay angry at her for to long and when she pull her face, that face, that puppy dog sexy fucking face I just cant resist. She knows that.

I'm sitting behind my desk and suddenly notice a figure leaning against the door scaring the shit out of me. "Geez, will you ever stop doing that." I snap at Laura but not to harshly. "Your late. I'm starving"

"Well," Laura begins and I can see the little fire in her eyes "if your shit wasn't lying through my whole apartment it wouldn't have taken me hours to clean it up. I honestly don't understand why you cant just use the closet I cleaned out for you." She looks at me up and down, up and down "Not that I see the point in you having anything at my apartment seeing that you wear my stuff every time you are there."

"Not every time" I try and defend myself and she raises an eyebrow "Okay, but your stuff is so much more comfortable. And I told you before I don't want to use the closet because I don't want to get to comfortable you know. We don't live together. I have my house and you have your apartment."

"Oh so the logical thing to do is to leave the closet empty and have clothes and shoes and make up and shit lying all over my apartment, because that is not getting comfortable." She throws her hands up in the air "Are you actually fucking kidding me"

I cant help but smile. She is just so cute when she gets so angry. Luckily I know it wont last so I am not to worried.

"You love me though, don't you" I pull a sad lip at her.

Laura walks closer "I do. I love you very much. I just don't love your shit all over my apartment" She says in a sweet but sarcastic voice and I pull a face at her. "Seriously Taylor"

"Taylor!?" I interrupt her. I know now she is being serious. "Why are you Taylor'ing me. Why are you being so serious, my love"

Laura now standing right in front of me on the opposite side of my desk looks at me sharply but her facial expression is soft. She puts her hand in her pocket and pulls out a box and slam it down on the desk. Now leaning forward with both her palms flat on the surface of my desk. "Open it" she says. Suddenly I am so nervous it feels like all the blood is draining from my body. I have a feeling as to what is inside the box.

"My love," I start. I am so nervous but I keep my pose "if that is a key to your apartment so I can go and clean up my own shit, in case you had forgotten, you already gave me a key to your apartment almost two months ago." I know its not a key to her apartment. I already have one.

"Just open the fucking box" Laura demands

"I'm hungry. I'll open it later. Can we just go eat first please?"

"Taylor!" She slams her hand down on the desk

"As long as you Taylor me I am not going to open the box." I say more relaxed. The content of the box sinking in more and more by the second. I haven't opened the box but I don't need to. I know exactly what it holds.

Laura walks around the desk with a not so innocent smile across her face. She pulls me up from my chair, pushes everything on my desk to one side and turns me so I am now sitting on the desk and she is standing in front of me. She starts to place kisses all over my face, on my head, on my eyelids, on my cheek, under my ear, in my neck "Taylor, my love, my life, open the box" she whispers in between kisses. Every touch of her lips on my skin makes me more weak. My hand in her hair pulls her lips onto my skin even harder and I let out a little moan as I feel her tongue trailing down my neck to my collar bone. She knows exactly how to make me weak at the most impossible times. I wrap my legs around her waist as to pull her closer to me and with my hands which is in her hair I pull her lips up to mine. The kiss is wet, full of passion, full of lust. I release my hands from her hair and slip them underneath her shirt caressing her soft skin under my fingertips. Suddenly she pulls away from the kiss. Removes my hand from under her shirt and releases my legs around her waist. I look at her confused as she walks away around the desk and goes to take a seat on the couch.

Love wins, or does it. (Laylor)Where stories live. Discover now