•°Chapter Three°•

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"Well, Goodbye Mikey and Nick" I smiled as me and Jason walked away.

"What's all that about?" Jason asked, "Well I sort of had eye contact with him him earlier..." I blushed, "What? You need to focus on school" Jason giggled worryingly.


It was her! The gorgeous mystery girl. Wow, she looks much better up close!

"Dude that's the girl Jason is trying to get with!" Nick said after punching my shoulder. "Oh... Okay" I smirked and leaned against the lockers. "Dude look it's Lesley!" Nick freaked. "Lesley is a sophomore right?" I asked. "Yeah... So is there something wrong with that?" Nick raised an eyebrow.


There she was. Queen royalty. She was the best of the best. Guys would drool over her. She would always come into school with her 'ding dong Minnie. Lesley was really shy in middle school but that changed. She became really popular. She is nice though. She's not like those typical popular hoe bag, backstabbing bitches! Nick has been obsessed over this girl, and now he's going to ask her out... I guess

"Look at her! Isn't she to die for?" Nick said in awe. "Uh. Sure whatever you say buddy. Now go ask her!" I said as I pushed Nick forward. "What the hell are you doing Fusco!?!?" Nick grumbled, "Nick, if you seriously thought I was going to ask her for you, you were totally wrong!" I half smiled and pet his shoulder.

Nick sighed and stared at the girl "Dude I want her so bad. One day you're going to get this feeling Mikey. And I'll be there to help you" Nick stated, "Uh once again buddy, whatever you say" I giggled

We stared at Lesley's walking over with her dangling red and black hair and her tight light blue skinny jeans.

I turned around and saw Daisy. Ew Daisy, she's annoying. And I get it she's a proud christian but we really don't like it when she goes around asking people to come to her church.

"Hi Mikey! Hi Nick!" She smiled. "Oh hey Daisy" I said awkwardly

She sniffled "Pardon me for being a little sick, but have you guys heard of the miracles our great god can do?!"

Nick face palmed his forehead and nodded "Sorry Daisy. But we don't have time for this right now. I love god and all but we're busy!" I half smiled, Nick became furious.

"Oh well, why don't you guys come by my church sometime?" She said eagerly

"Why don't you go to hell?!" Nick shouted

Daisy' jaw dropped to the floor

"NICK!" I bulged my eyes out and smacked him behind his head, "Sorry Daisy, but like I said we're really busy"

Daisy looked sad and walked away.

"What the hell Nick!!!" I shouted

Nick giggled "Sorry dude she was just getting really annoying, and you know it!"

I spaced off and thought about the girl, Alexa. She was like a ray of sunshine after a rainy morning. I couldn't help but want to feel her perfect shaped lips against mine. I needed to get to know this girl as soon as possible.

"Hey Guys!" Lesley shattered my thought to pieces, "Oh hi Lesley" I said awkwardly.

I punched Nick's shoulder as a way to hint at him to talk to her, "Oh s-sorry, Hi Les- Lesley" Nick stuttered and scratched behind his neck

"Well I'm going to be over there and I'll let you two talk" I said as I pulled Minnie away from them

"What the hell are you doing Mikey?!?!" She shouted, "Oh shut up air head" I said furiously. "Ugh Mikey I know you like me but you don't have to touch me and call me names to win me over" She giggled stupidly. I let go of her arm "Oh my God are you're retarded? I don't like you!!" Minnie made a stupid face and spaced off like a bubble

I stared at Nick and noticed he kept scratching his neck. Wow he's actually asking her! When he gets nervous he starts to scratch the back of his neck a lot.

I saw Nick giving Lesley a hug. Lesley walked away and Minnie ran after her. Nick's smile went from zero to a hundred real quick! He put his thumbs up as he walked towards me.

"That's my broski!!" I said and we did our handshake, "Bruh I thought she was going to say no! Well class starts in 5 minutes so I'll see you later!" Nick smiled. I fixed my hair. "Alright, say hey to Vin for me, because I haven't seen him yet and you have first period with him" I told Nick as I began to walk away. He looked back "okay"


Oh my god!!! I seriously thought Nick would never ask me out on a date! Like I'm not stupid I knew the dork liked me but it just never seemed like he would ask me out. I don't know what to do, I can't wait until friday night!

"So what happened with Nick!?!?" Minnie asked, I took my phone out of my pocket and checked what I had for first period... Ugh English!

"Hello?" Minnie waved her hand in my face. "I'll tell you later. You know you don't have to follow me all the time. Get to class you'll be late" I advised

Minnie shot me an evil look and walked away. She's my bff and all but she can be too much. I walked in and the teacher handed me a card that said where I sat. I looked for the letter that matched the one on my card. I happily walked over to my seat and waited eagerly to see who I was going to sit next to.


"So this is your first class. I'll be waiting for you at the cafeteria for breakfast after first period okay?" Jason smiled. "Okay and thanks for helping me Jay, I really appreciate it!" I got up on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his left cheek.

I walked inside and looked back as Jason walked away.

The teacher handed me a card that showed me where my seat was. I looked around and walked over to my spot. I took a seat and opened my bookbag. I grabbed my books and my journal and set them in front of me. I glanced at the clock and thought to myself if I have two minutes left I might as well work on my journal. I opened it to a new sheet and wrote the date up top. My pencil started moving like never before and I was writing about how my day was going so far. The bell rang I looked at the door as a whole bunch of kids came in. I noticed Sarah come in. She's Jason's twin sister. Although I don't know why she's here. I'm pretty sure she's a freshman like Jason.

She grabbed the card from the teacher's hand and looked around. She groaned and walked over to a girl with red and black hair.

"Ew. What are you doing here?" The girl in the red striped hair hissed, "I sit here you moron!' Sarah said quite loudly. They began arguing and I couldn't help but be interested in what they talked about.

I turned around back to the door and saw the boy come through it. It was Mikey! I noticed every other seat was taken. Oh my god! He's walking over here! God he's gorgeous. I became lost in his beautiful hazel brown eyes.

(A/N) I neeeedddd sleeep! Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter and don't forget to vote/comment to get me up there, Thanks!


By Each Other's Side•A Mikey Fusco Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now