•°Chapter Four°•

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I walked into class and saw some of my friends. Oh snap, Lesley and Sarah have to sit together, I wonder how that's going to work out...

The teacher handed me a card, it had the letter G on it so I looked for the chair with a taped paper that had a G placed on it. I looked around and found Alexa.

Great! I get to sit right next to her.

My smile grew larger. Our eyes connected and it seemed like nothing in the whole wide world could break our stare. I sat down and it was sort of awkward.

I turned around and shot a smile her way "Hi"

"Hello" she moved the dangling hair that covered the beauty of her face, behind her ear.

"So, youre new here in New Jersey?" I asked, "Um. Yeah, my dad just got offered a job at Home Offices Co. So my whole family had to come" she said as I stared into her chocolaty brown eyes.

I took my books out and made a loud noise when I placed them on the desk "Oh thats cool, I guess" I lied. I was just intrigued by her beauty.

I heard Sarah shout which set off a reflex in my body to turn my eyes towards her.

"Oh shut up, no one wants to hear about your love life!" Sarah rolled her eyes

"Just cause' you don't have one doesn't mean you have to wreck other people's Sarah!" Lesley said as she grabbed Sarah by her sweater sleeve

They got interrupted by the loud voice echoing in the boring, white walled room.

"Please calm down, now I know it's the first day of school for all you sophomores and some freshmen in here and some of you are glad to get over freshman year but now it's time to say goodbye to summer and hello to High School, so please. You don't want to get sent to the office on the first day of school now do you Miss Smith?" Mrs. Grace shot up her eyebrow

"B- but it was he-" Sarah got cut off by the teacher

"Sarah!" The teacher enforced her voice

A smirk escaped Lesley's face before a chuckle

I honestly don't know why those girls hate each other! By my eyes they're both sweet and innocent.


Mikey's eyes were glued to the teacher and Jason's sister. They had a disagreement, I'm guessing. I was too busy not caring. Or just staring at Mikey.

God, he has the eyes of an angel.

I have to snap out of this! I don't think I should be having feelings for guys and things like that at the moment. I should just stick to school and trying to get somewhere in life doing what I love and cherish: Journalism and Art.

The teacher was explaining all these boring things that I would regularly pay all my attention to, but I pulled my journal back out and my hands were too busy doing what they did best. I just went with the flow .

Once I was done I looked down. I had written what I'm feeling right now. And it was all about the boy next to me. My old school counselor told me it was a good idea of expressing my feeling by writing them down.The butterflies were basically asking to release my stomach! I quickly closed my journal before anyone can see it.

I placed my journal next to my history book in my bookbag. I got the top part of my body back up and turned to Mikey.

"What?' I asked as I admired his stare towards me

"Oh, nothing sorry if I'm creepy" he giggled, "Um no. Well, maybe just a little" I giggled. "So I was going to asked you" I couldn't wait. What is he going to ask me!?!?

By Each Other's Side•A Mikey Fusco Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now