Rumors and News

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8:55 P.M.


"Guys,it's so cold why are you so sil--Guys?HAHA! YEAH FUNNY GUYS! Could you pls stop fooling around!"

Third person POV:
Calum didn't know the R.V. left him,so he took a walk until the sun comes up.He ended up on an old but still clean and beautiful house.

7:24 A.M.


"Darling,can you get the door for me"

"ugh alright mother!"


"Who is -- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

"Hello,umm I'm lost and I don't know the way back to my home"

"AHHHHHHHH!! OMGGGGG!!! Calum!!!!!uuhhh,uhh sorry this is awkward umm yes! You may come in"

"darling what's all the racket all about?"

"sorry mum,Here's a visitor and he's very very famous! You may come in"

"Hi Mrs."

"Oh,hi young man"

"It's uhhh a pleasure to meet you ma'am"

"Omg mum!he's from 5SOS!!and uhh umm this is embarassing,he's uhh l-lost and he don-don't know where's the way to his band mates"

"Oh I'm sure they're looking for you now with asking and fliers young man, you can stay here if you want"

"umm sure thank's ma'am it's so kind of you"

"mum we don't have any space, and we only have 2 rooms placed in this old junk"

"Oh you can sleep beside me if you want young man"

"oh, umm no it's okay, I'll just roam around and search for vacant rooms"

"Oh no! No! Umm uhh, just, uhh how do people do this?ummm, you can sleep in my room but the problem is, you'll be sleeping on the floor"

"Sure,it's a pleassure"

The Next day...

9:02 A.M.

"Omg Polly!! You can't wait to find out who's inside my room!"

"OMG who is it?"

"Umm Kasandra, I'll be buying stuffs at the mall wanna come?"

"here he comes!"

"i still have $500 here in my wa--"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMFG Kasandra! Shitt!!! Oh sorry this is awkward,umm Hi I'm Polly,i'm Kasandra's Cuddleplum A.K.A Best friend"

"Oh nice to meet you,Polly"


"Told ya'"

"Can I have an autograph and a selfie with you?"


9:58 A.M.

"I'm glad I still have my money with me"

"What would you do with a lot of Cash like that?"

"we're going for a shopping"

Third person POV:
People took pics of Calum and Kasandra, the rumor went viral and hoping that the boys will hear about the rumor soon.

"Here, and done!"

"Gee thanks Cal, I'm sorry if I wasted your money"

"no It's okay,not like the boys does to my money,they waste it for huge stuffs Like 28 boxes of pizza or a bath tub, so it's fine,c'mon those are obly clothes atleast you can use something foe it"

"Gee thanks a lot,We've just met yesterday but WOW!!"

"By the way, if you need help, remember I'm right here"

"Thanks, okay so what would you like for food?"

"Umm i don't know,I eat lots of stuff"

"Okay, how bout Pizza?"

"suits me"

A few minutes later...

"3 boxes of Pepperoni pizza pls."

"3 BOXES??"


"My mum eats a lot of pizza at home, especially pepperoni, it's her favourite"

"It's sad how I order 5 boxes of pizzas for the boys"

"Don't worry"


1:54 P.M.

"Oh my so many shoppings and groceries!"

"i know right mum!and Calum was like "it's fine blah blah blah" and I didn't have any choice"

"Thanks sonny, for your help and all"

"Oh it's nothing, it's just the boys and I always do this every Sunday"

"I lnow how you feel but, mr. Pizza is getting tired lying in their boxes, here you go sonny take one!"

"hmhm thanks ma'am"

"pls call me Lucy"

"Uhh, Lu-Lucy ahm"

The next day...

6:30 P.M.

The Boys':

"It's been days and we haven't hear any thing about Calum"

"Dude it's still 3 days ago"

"I'm hungry"

"There's P--"

News Reporter:
There's this boy that's part of a band named "5Sos" that's being rumored about.It says here that this boy Calum,is dating a girl,he took her to shoping,groceries and Pizzas,would he be recovered by the band?and that's the end of this news everybody,thank you.




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