A visitor.

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Not too far away from Samuel and Annie, another woman appears. It's midnight. Wind passes through and the sky is black. The moon is giving frightening shadows to the trees, buildings and last humans. A lightning strucks the ground and a woman in black crawls out of the hole caused by the lightning. She has red, almost black but terrifying wings behind her. She walks firmly and strongly through the street. Humans around her run away, scared of both her and her looks. She walks in an appartment building where she knows Annie lays. She knocks the door down. Samuel, a young man with brown hair and green eyes, runs to Annie as she gets up on her wobbling feet. 

"Annie. Do You wish to come in peace or in war?" 

"I will not go anywhere with a nasty demon. No offence, Lindsey," 

"None taken," Lindsey says and flicks her hand at Annie. Annie falls back, the white shirt that Samuel had given her, gets bloody. A pair of heavenly, pure and white wings come out of Annie's back. She pushes Samuel aside, her wings flappingly supporting her. She flicks her hand at Lindsey and she flies through the wall inside the other appartment. A woman screams. Samuel runs to her. 

"Karina, get out of here. To a friend's place," Samuel says. 

"Ann, You will come with me. You have only two options: Alive or badly wounded," 

"Go to hell, bitch," Annie says and charges at her. They both fall on the ground, rolling and eventually, they fall down the stairs. Samuel runs after them and as he reaches the two girls, Lindsey is gone. 

"Where did she go?" 

"To where she belongs. Hell," Annie says and floats up. Her wings go together again and she falls between Samuel's arms. 

"I have to leave, Samuel," Annie murmurs in his ear. 

"I'll come with You," Samuel says. 

"No, Samuel. You have to stay here. I have to travel across the world to Tokyo. Where there are the High Angels. Then I can ask for help to get home," Annie says. 

"And how exactly will You to Tokyo? You can't even stand up properly, Annie," 

"Fine. But when I tell You to run, You run," Annie sighs. Samuel nods and hugs her. He carries her back inside. 

"I should have a wheelchair from my sister's accident," 

"You have a sister?" 

"Yes. Kelly. Do You have any sisters?" 

"No. Only a brother," 

"Oh. Well, sisters aren't that great either," Samuel chuckles. 


"They're mostly annoying," 

"Yet You still love Your sister, don't You?" 

"Yeah. Kelly is amazing, actually," 

"How amazing?" 

"She's creative and loving and caring," 

"If I could, I'd like to meet her one day," Annie smiles. 

"If You're still on Ear- Gaia, then sure," Samuel smiles and gets the wheelchair along with his packed suitcase. He helps Annie on the wheelchair and looks around the bashed appartment. 

"I'm sorry this all happened to You, Samuel," Annie murmurs and takes his hand. She squeezes it apologetically and they head out of the appartment building. 

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