#Annie. Old "Friends".

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Samuel helps me in the vehicle. Only now I realize that it's a jeep. A black jeep. I don't really know how to keep explaining. Samuel gets in as well and starts the engine.

"I need an explonation from You, Annie. Why was the woman after You?"

"She wasn't just an ordinary woman. She was a demon. She was after me, to get me to hell,"

"But why?"

"Because I was thrown out of my home. By my father,"

"Well, who is Your Father?"

"My father is the grand angel. If he will allow me back, there won't be any threat to my world anymore,"

"This sounds unbelieveable,"

"Then why are You still helping me?"

"Because... everyone deserves a chance,"

"Thank You.." I murmur and kiss his cheek. He nods, his cheeks red. We arrive at the airport.

"I need to take some cash out, stay here," Samuel says and exits the vehicle. I look around the parking lot and the vehicle gets picked up. Dragonov. I rip the seatbelt in half and fly out of the vehicle just before Dragonov destroys it.

"Dragonov!" I shout. He's Lindsey's big brother and also the strongest demon.

"You killed my sister!"

"Then be ready to be united with her, Drago!" I shout and charge at him. My wings are open and I jump on his head. His about 12 meters tall. His head is like a cube and his hair is black, in a few straws on his head. He's wearing a black pair of trousers. Security guards shoot bullets at his head and Dragonov groans.

"Filthy earthlings!" he yells and falls on his knees. I fly in front of him, my wings making wind in his face.

"Go back to where You belong, Dragonov, and I won't kill You right here and right now,"

He growls and disappears, the earth shaking. I land, my feet touching the land. A beautiful white dress appears on me, covering my almost-naked body. The dress is hugging my body, showing my curves. The dress lets me go above my waistline, having a beautiful asymmetrical skirt - a.k.a front short, back long. Security guards gather around me, their guns at me.

"Who are you?!"

"She's with me," we all hear a voice. Its a loud and familiar raspy voice.

"Louie!" I shout and run to him. My brother, Louie, catches me between his arms. He's wearing a white suit.

"Sorry, sir," the guards say and head back inside. I hug him as my wings pack together and disappear entirelly.

"What was Dragonov doing here?"

"Him and Lindsey were after me..."

"Annie!" I hear Samuel. He runs to us.

"What happened to my car?!"


"I'll pay for the new car,"

"Samuel, this is my brother Louis. Lou, this is Samuel. He's helping me," I say, introducing them.

"So You're the human helping my sister?"

"Louie, what are You doing here?"

"Oh. Mother told me to come for You,"
"Father banished me, Louie,"

"He did?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way to Tokyo to talk to him,"

"Are You sure he'll listen?"

"I'm hoping that he will..."

"Okay. Well, I can fly You two to the Philipinnes but after that You have to continue on Your own,"

"Annie," Samuel says. We walk away from my brother.

"He's too kind, Samuel. I do not think it's him..."

"Then don't take the offer,"

"So. Are You two going to fly with one of my private jets?"

"Who are You really?" I ask.

"Your brother, Louis, of course,"

"You are not Louis James Jr.,"

"REVEAL YOURSELF, DEMON!" Samuel shouts and Louis turns into a black-winged man with a large scar over hir left eye.

"Damien!" I shout.

"That's true, little Annie,"

"What did You do to my brother?!"

"He's dead, little Annie. I killed him," Damien smirks. I drop on my knees, crying and sobbing. The human security guards gather around Damien this time and start shooting him. Damien groans and flies away. My brother is dead...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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