~The escape~

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      "Ow...." I cringe as Jeff finishes wrapping up the last bandage. "Could you be less gentle?"

      "Would you like me to?" He says sarcasticly, pulling it even tighter. "I only want you happy dear."

      "Shut up." I reply. In my head I start thinking of ways to get out. "I want to go home..." I whisper to myself.

      "So do I. But we all don't get what we want, do we?" Jeff says,  not making eye contact. He walks over to the bed, grabs the picture and lies down. He looks at it, sighs, and puts it back.

      "Um.... What?" I say, jerking to attention. "Nevermind."

------------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------------------------------------

       The clock says 12'O Clock and I sigh. I carefully get up from the cot in the corner of the room. It creaks loudly and I cringe. Packing up a small bag with some things, I look over at Jeff. He's lying on the bed with a rag over his eyes. Since he kinda, ahem, lacks eyelids he has to use that rag.

       "This time..." I whisper to myself. "This time I'll get out...."

       I sneak down the stairs and hide a few times as CP's would go in and out of the rooms. I almost got caught as EJ came down the stairs and almost noticed me hiding behind a chair. Luckily he just shook his head and went back upstairs.

      I get to the door and it opens. I look behind me and see no one. I smile and slip out the door.

------------------------------------Note From The Author--------------------------------------------

     Sorry this is so short. I have to work on something for my DeviantArt so....

     A friend of mine has helped me decide who the new character is! We are also adding in a friend of the Meg's!

     Meg: A friend of mine? You mean-

     Bubbles: Now now Meg. Let's not ruin the suprise for our readers.

     Jeff: More humans? I'm out.

     Bubbles: No. You're staying in the book. You're important to this story.

     Meg: I'm just gonna..... *leaves*

     ????: Yay! I'm gonna be in the book!

     Bubbles: Yes. And by the way.... Our new CP friend will be a little late. She- I mean they, have some.... things..... to deal with. They will join in soon though! Have a cupcake for the wait.

    Jeff: Why do you like cupcakes so much?

    Bubbles: They're awesome. Shut up.


               Bubbles the Awesomely Amazing!!!! 

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