Figuring Things Out

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Figuring things out

Sehun POV

*Is this jealousy? Do I like her?*

*No it can't be. Plus, Tao hyung likes her; its obvious. You could tell by the way he feverishly blushed when we told them they were holding hands. Yeah, I should just leave it be and not mess with Tao hyung's love life.* I convinced myself.

To make it less awkward between Tao and Seo Young they seperated. Tao hyung stood next to Chen and Chanyeol hyung and Seo young stood in between Xiumin hyung and I.

"Oppa, could we go to the rides that I like now?" She begged while adding a pinch of aegyo.

*Oh, she's so cute* I flustered and then shook my head and looked at the pavement.

"Arasseo dongsaeng, where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Ummm well, oh! I really want to go to the muppet show." She made up her mind.

Xiumin who over heard our conversation and interrupted.

"What the muppets!? ANIYO!!! I won't watch the muppets! I will NOT!"

"Well, we went to a ride that we liked the first time, so we have to watch the muppets for Seo Young." I suggested.

"Gomawo oppa ^-^." She smiled.

I leaned next to her right ear and whispered.

"You know to bs honest I love the muppets too." I confessed.

"Jinjja~?! You like the muppets too?" She exclaimed.

After she realized what she said, her eyes tried to squeeze out of their sockets. Then, she calmed down after everyone finished giving her glares and we gazed at each other's eyes and shared a laugh.

We have so many things in common. I feel like we have chemistry; we just get along well. And her eye smile. It makes her look so beautiful and stunning, it may be even better then Baekhyun hyung's. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm just supposed to be friends with her. I should stop.

I shook my head; even though, the small feeling inside of me for her is rapidly increasing.


Seo Young POV

~~~~At the Muppet Show~~~~

The show was hilarious. They even chose Kris oppa to stand up on stage and draw a landscape, then one of the really old muppets began to draw and challenged Kris to a competition on who could draw the best. Full of hope, I crossed my fingers as they were counting down from three to reveal their drawing.

When they turned the thin red notepad around my smile sank. Kris' drawing was well.... it was bad and that was the nicest way I could put it. The crowd laughed and giggled at the drawing. I wasn't laughing to try to be nice.

I leaned over to Sehun.

"Why would they laugh? That's mean!"

He answered my question. "Well, while he was drawing, he had a perfect poker face, as if he was Picaso painting on a canvas. But it seemed like that wasn't so."

"Oh, that's it, but still that's mean." I said.

"Yeah, I know." He replied, trying to control his laughter.

I looked up at the stage again and the booming sound of laughter turned into the sound of a rock. Kermit stood up and scanned the room for a volunteer. He looked around the huge crowd then laid eyes on me and pointed. To comfirm if he chose me, I pointed at myself. Kermit nodded, I stood up, and walked straight to the stage.

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