Chapter 2 ( neighbors and food )

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' BABY ALL THREW THE NIGHT I MAKE LOVE TO YOU ' my radio blasted threw my room. Lilly took " mothers " room to give me space.

I groaned and lifted up the blankets i slowly took a shower then dressed in black skinny jeans with my peach sweater that has a white heart on it with my white scarf and my black converses.

I walked over to my make up stand and applied light make up. I walked into the  kitchen and seen everyone eating cereal not saying anything till liam spoke up.

' hey louis how are you feeling? ' he carefully asked

' better then never ' I flashed him my award winning fake smiling.

' okay good ' he smiled at me

We all ate and walked out to Luke's car. Did I mention we start school? Whoops. We pulled up to a old two story brick building with people everywhere.

' okay here you go ' luke said handing is our schedules ' I'll see you guys at Lunch yeah? ' he smiled at us

' yeah ' we all said

I walked over to the 9th grade part of the school and started looking for my locker.

After felt like hours of searching I found my locker. It was the very last one so I knew I was going to be late to some classes. I put my stuff in the locker and grabbed a pencil an paper. When I closed the door a girl was standing there. I jumped and put my heart to my chest.

' hello I'm Kat ' she smiled

' I'm louis ' I smiled back at her.

She looked into my eyes and frowned then smiled again. Weird. She looked like a band type person since she was wearing a band shirt and black skinny jeans with the same converses. She also had blonde hair and brown eyes.

' can I see your schedule? ' she asked

I nodded my head and handed her my schedule she looked over it then handed it back to me.

' we have every class together ' she smiled

' great ' I mumbled.

The day flew and we were back home at no time. I ran to my room and jumped on my bed.

' oh how I miss this bed ' I whispered to myself.

I did all my homework and went outside to watch the sun set.

' lou come eat dinner ' lilly said from the back door

' I'm not hungry lilly ' I said looking at the woods behinds our house.

' louis you haven't ate anything since briefest ' she whispered

' I'm not hungry ' I yelled at her

Her eyes went wide then she closed the door. I signed, I would apologize to her later I thought. Since today is Friday we don't have school tomorrow so I stayed outside for a little bit longer.

' you should listen to your sister ' a voice said

I jumped at looked to my right to see Xander standing next to me.

' you scared me ' I whispered ' but I'm not hungry ' I added

' stop lying I can hear your stomach from here ' he narrowed his eyes to my stomach.

I didn't reply but stood up and turned to him.

' please do home im going to bed ' I said

' fine but you will eat something before bed and you better not lie ' he sternly said

' okay ' I said

I walked into my back door and locked it. I got ready for bed and turned off my light. I fell asleep forgetting to eat something like Xander said.

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