Chapter 5 ( new beginnings )

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I heard foot steps an seen everyone sitting down on the couch. Lily looked tired, Liam looked sad, and luke had a smile on his face.

' what louis? What's so important that I couldn't sleep? ' lily said throwing her hands up In the air.

' lilly be patient ' luke scolded her

Lily just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms looking at me.

' okay so I know a lot happened this month' I said looking down ' but I want to start over guys get over mom I know she's our mom. But she left us and so we have to stick together ' I added looking at them

' Lou I think your right ' Luke said smiling at me

' yeah louis your right forget about mom we will start our own family ' Liam said

' yeah it will be like the same just my with mom around. I'll be the mom of the house guys ' lily said standing up with her hands on her waist.

' then I'm the dad of the house ' Luke said smirking at us

' and we can be the kids of the family ' liam teased and I laughed

' wow Liam ' we all laughed and walked out the room.

I heard him say ' I thought we were naming things that's not true ' he mumbled

I walked into my room and played some music. I started cleaning, putting my clothes away and cleaning the bathroom.

After four hours cleaning my room, yes it was that bad. My room looked decent. I took a shower and dressed in some black leggings and a red flannel with my red vans. I curled my hair an added light makeup with red lip stick.

I grabbed my phone and called Kat. Me and Kat are literally best friends now.

( convo )
Kat: hey louis
Me: hey Kat what's up?
Kat: going to a party. Wanna come?
Me: I don't think I can ( sighs ) maybe next time though
Kat: oh come on just sneak out
Me: ugh fine text me the address
Kat: YAY ( she literally screamed ) dress sexy bye

( convo over )

I quietly opened my bedroom door and seen Liam come out of his room.

' hey louis you hungry? ' he asked

' uh no I'm going to bed goodnight ' I said closing my door and locking it. I walked out the backdoor that I have in my room and left it cracked. I ran over to the fence that leads to Xander's driveway and climbed over it.

Once I reached the top I fell over onto the grass, I winced and stood up looking around me. I texted Kat telling her I'm on my way and headed to the address she gave me.

I looked at a mail box and seen the address. I looked up and seen the biggest house I've ever seen. I was about to call Kat telling her I'm here when I felt someone spin me around

' what the hell are you going here? ' Xander said

' uh I'm uh... I'm trying to have some fun so excuse me ' I said and ran to the house. I heard him call my name several times and he sounded really angry.

I walked in and seen Kat hanging with a bunch of people.

' LOUIS YOU MATE IR ' she slurred

' are you drunk Kat! ' I asked

' pfsh no ' she said shrugging. ' here drink this ' she smirked at me an handed Me a red cup.

I looked at it and it was clear white. I figured it was water and chugged it down. I was wrong.

' Kat what the hell!! ' I yelled at her then suddenly felt dizzy

' I'm sorry louis I had to do this ' she whispered and pulled out a shot.

' n-no s-stop ' I mumbled starting to see my vision change

' Louis please forgive me ' she said then injected the shot into me.

I felt someone pick me up and heard someone say ' what the hell Kat I didn't say to do that '

Then I blacked out.


Did louis get kidnapped? Oh gosh I can't believe this... Haha no I gotta do something interesting. Stay tuned loves Xx.  

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