Chapter 4 ( possieve man )

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I woke up to banging on my back door. I threw my blankets on the floor irritated because I'm not a morning person. I pushed the curtains back and seen a very mad Xander. I unlocked the door and before I could say something he did.


' yeah and? ' I said getting to the point

' get dressed your coming with me ' he growled. Like not a inhuman growl either.

' no I'm going back to bed ' I said starting to close the door. He caught the door and let himself in.

' GET OUT ' I yelled at him

' NO 'he yelled back

' GOSH WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE A BABY IM NOT HUNGRY OKAY ' I yelled at him walking back to my bed getting in and throwing the blankets over my head

' yes you are louis so get up get dressed or I'll make you ' he sternly said

' fuck you ' I mumbled

Right after I said that my blankets were thrown against my wall and I was forcefully grabbed by my arms making me stand up.

' one you will get dressed or I'll dress you myself and two you will not use that language again you hear me? ' he narrowed his eyes looking at me

' okay ' I whispered afraid of what he will do

' good ' he smirked letting me go while I went to my closet and picked out a random pair of jeans a plain black shirt. I got dressed and walking back into my room.

' come on your siblings already left ' he said grabbed my arm tightly I might add

He pushed me into a red Honda car and started up the engine.

' where are we going? ' I whispered

' getting you food ' he said looking At the car infront of him

I looked out my window and seen mc Donald's sign ahead. I instantly got exited.

' go to mc Donald's ' I said

He signed an turned on the blinker. We pulled up to the drive threw and he order for the both of us.

He handed me the bags an pulled out. He pulled back into his drive way and we walking back to my house. I ate and he didn't touch his food.

' aren't you going to eat? ' I asked

' no I actually has briefest ' he said looking at me while I was chewing my sandwich.

' cool ' I said

And hour later he left telling me he had some important things to do and I went back to bed for a few hours. Cause why not.

I was shaking awake by luke sitting him self on my bed.

' what? ' I mumbled still half asleep

' mom delivered a box today ' he said looking at his feet

' yeah and ' I said

' it was just some money  and other stuff for.. Uh yeah just money ' he said

' oh ' I whispered ' nothing for me? ' I asked

' uh well no ' I said ' I'm sorry lou ' he added

' it's fine ' I said laying back down

' can I lay with you ' luke asked

' sure ' I said scooting over a little bit

He turned off the lights and climbed into bed be pulled the blankets over our head and I put my head on his chest

' remember when you were little and Liam kept teasing you about a monster under your bed so you slepted with me for a month straight? ' he asked  

' yeah ' I said laughing about that memory

' just like old times ' he whispered

' yeah.. Just like old times' i whispered back falling asleep again.

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