Chapter 2

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Poppy's eyes snapped open and she screamed, not in fear, more as a means of alerting Wolfe.

The whole van was covered in Zombies, Pressing their bloody faces and bony hands against the windows, clamouring and snarling. Poppy's scream did nothing to deter them as they desperately clawed to get in.

"Fucking fuck fuck" Wolfe muttered, clambering to the front of the van. He slammed his foot down on the pedal and the camper hurtled forward, sending Poppy careering backwards into the bed. She let out a disgruntled yell from under a heap of cushions.

"Sorry, but you could at least try and help!" Wolfe shouted. The sudden acceleration of the van had detached a few of the zombies but most still hung on tighter than ever. Wolfe had no idea where he was going.
"Sorry, but there is no way I'm getting out there without being eaten." Poppy screamed back. "If I open that window, it'll be Poppy for breakfast!"
"Good point!" Wolfe switched on the windscreen wipers, causing a few more walkers to let go. "just hang on darlin'!"

Poppy scrambled to the front of the van and sat next to Wolfe. The zombies were blocking out most of the light, so it was eerily dark inside the van.

"What do we do?" Wolfe bellowed, turning a sharp corner in yet another attempt to get rid of the zombies. "If we don't get these off soon I'm going to crash!"
Poppy grabbed her bat, still bloodied from the night before, and mimed smashing a window.
"Don't you dare!" Wolfe said sternly.
"I'm joking! Try and lose some of these and I'll plug in that strimmer we picked up the other day?"
"Good idea, shall I open the roof?"
"Not YET!" Poppy interrupted as he went to press the button.

The Strimmer was one of the many weapons they'd collected over their time surviving "the end of the world" some called it. It was one of those weed trimmers for mowing the edge of lawns, but they'd customised it by replacing the sharp wire with a pretty lethal looking blade. Poppy grabbed it and plugged it in, using the van's rechargeable battery.

It purred into life as Wolfe slid open the skylight. The zombies began to climb in pretty instantly, but they were greeted by Poppy's Strimmer.

The first got it straight in the face, making a variety of squelches and cracking sounds. It sprayed blood all over Poppy, Wolfe and the inside of the van.
Wolfe howled in anger. "That's never going to come out!"

Poppy rolled her eyes, slamming another walker in the chest and climbing onto the roof. "Don't worry, we'll sort it!" She began randomly strimming the zombies as fast as she could, and they were dropping like flies. If any of them got near to grabbing her, they were rewarded with a kick or a punch, usually sending them falling to the ground below.

Poppy could now see that they were speeding through remote farmland. It seemed as if every walker within a five mile radius had made their way to their little van.

Just as Poppy was starting to enjoy slicing up zombies, the strimmer began to slow down, making a strange "phut phut" sound as it did.
"Oh shit..." Poppy muttered.
"What?" Wolfe grunted up at her.
"The battery's died in the van."

The last few zombies were climbing their way towards Poppy.
"Wolfe, pass me my bat."
"Give us a sec." Wolfe was twiddling with the windscreen, trying to clear his vision of blood and gore.
"WOLFE" a zombie had grabbed Poppy's bare ankle. She was desperately hitting it with the strimmer, but it wasn't weighty enough to make any difference. "PASS ME MY FUCKING BAT."

"Okay okay!" He reached backwards and flung the bat her way. It span as it flew and she caught it nimbly by the handle. "Calm yourself!"

"Huh." She sent her attacker flying to the side of a field. "I'll say that next time you've got a zombie climbing up your fucking leg."
Wolfe rolled his eyes. "What am I supposed to do about all this blood?" He moaned.

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