Chapter 7

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The atmosphere tensed.
"I'll see that it's dealt with." Sally said, wrapping up Poppy's arm in clean bandages.

Wolfe looked doubtful. "Is it really a good idea, having so many people in one place? Doesn't it make you feel kind of... Vulnerable? If anyone gets bitten, the infection would spread really quickly."

Sally smiled serenely. "We're pretty organised here, come, watch."

Poppy, Wolfe and David followed Sally to where everyone was gathered at the edge of camp. They could see the zombie, fairly whole except for one hand. Two young men, one with blonde hair, one with brown, were making their way towards it with ropes and a bread knife.

Sally watched thoughtfully. "We don't gets many over here. They don't usually make it over the hills." She pushed her way to the front of the crowd. "Everyone knows the drill though." She said to Poppy and Wolfe.

Everyone watched watched excitedly as the two boys crept up to the blundering zombie. They threw the ropes around it, binding it so it couldn't get any closer to the camp. The zombie groaned, confused, before it was silenced by the darker haired man sawing off its head with the knife. As its head hit the ground, the crowd gave a half hearted cheer.

Sally chuckled. "This is old hat now. It used to happen a few times a week." She shrugged. "It's got rarer and rarer, this is the first one all month."

"Where are they going with the body?" Wolfe asked as the two boys dragged it away from camp.
"They go and put it somewhere in the hills." Sally explained. "To try and deter other zombies."

David had said very little since he arrived, but as the sun began to stain the grey sky a warm yellow, he piped up. "Could I stay here?"
Sally laughed warmly. "Of course! Anyone is welcome!"

Wolfe and Poppy shot a look at each other. That was their dilemma of how to get rid of him sorted.

"Now." Sally clasped her hands together. "I think we should have a drink to celebrate my daughter coming home!"

The little group was soon gathered in a little shelter, along with Poppy's sister and father, Tom. He had brought a large crate with him, that clinked when he walked.

"So," he said merrily. "Fancy a drink?"
Wolfe's ears pricked up. "You don't happen to have any tea do you?"
Tom laughed. "No, no tea. I've got plenty of beer though!"
Wolfe drooped. "I'll have a beer, thanks."

Before long, Wolfe and Poppy were happily chatting about their adventures.
"Ooh I do worry about you!" Sally chortled. "Getting shot and fighting zombies! What next?"
"Don't worry mum!" Poppy leant onto Wolfe. "Wolfe takes good care of me."
Wolfe laughed heartily. "I'm pretty sure you can take care of yourself!"

Tom took a swig of beer. "So we've established why you've changed your names," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Though I still don't quite understand it," he said to one side before asking: "why choose Poppy and Wolfe?"
Poppy snuggled further into Wolfe. "Well I chose Poppy because Wolfe always used to buy me poppies when he saw them in the shops, he knew how much I like them." She reached up to give him a tipsy kiss on the cheek.
"So why Wolfe?" Sally continued.

Wolfe scratched his head awkwardly. "Dunno really, fancied myself a bit of a Hugh Jackman I guess..." He shrugged, laughing nervously. "I always liked Wolverine."

Poppy continued draping herself across Wolfe, happily drunk. "I think it suits you, my Wolfy." She gushed, she had always been a lightweight, and tonight was no exception.
"I think we should get you to bed Pop." Wolfe chuckled, beginning to stand up.

"One more drink!" Sam begged, offering a green bottle of beer.
"I shouldn't, I'm driving in the morning." Wolfe reasoned.

"What? You're leaving?!" Sally almost dropped her drink. "But you just got here!"
Poppy seemed to suddenly sober up, standing up straight. "Yeah, we never planned to even stop here..." Poppy did her best to make excuses. "And you know us, never like to stay in one place long."

Sally's face was sour. "You can't leave..." It seemed to crumple, almost in tears. "Please don't leave... I was so worried about you, I didn't know if you were alive..."

Poppy clenched her fists, suddenly angry. "You didn't think I felt the same way? We went back to the house SEVERAL times and it was deserted, not even a note!"
"We had to evacuate! The whole street was told to evacuate!" Sally shook her head. "Please don't leave me just yet!" Her face softened, a tear dripping off her nose. "I need you. I miss you."

David stood up, dropping his beer to the floor. Everyone stared at him in surprise, he hadn't said one thing except answered a few simple questions.
"They've got an important journey to make!" His face was glowing in the lamplight. "They could've found the cure for the infection! They don't have time to stay!"

Everyone gaped at him in awe.
"He's joking?" Matilda asked. Her face was tired and dark, but her eyes were wide.
Poppy shook her head. "We're taking it to Edinburgh. We hope to be there by tomorrow evening."
"What's in Edinburgh?"
"There's a science lab there who can duplicate it."
Tilly's eyes grew wider and wider. "So you're going to save the world."
Poppy looked thoughtful. "Hopefully." She nodded.

Poppy's mother had stopped crying. She gave a small sniff. "Well, that seems a valid reason to leave as soon as possible." She wiped her eyes, laughing unsurely. "But promise me one thing." She took her daughters hands tenderly. "You'll come and visit me here!"
Poppy nodded eagerly. "Of course! I want to see it when the schoolhouse has been finished!"

Sam grinned proudly. "Should be done in a couple of weeks!"
"It's so amazing, what you've done here..." Wolfe looked around at the camp, shrouded in night.
"We've had a lot of help!" Sally explained. "You'd be amazed at the amount of people willing to chip in, help out!"

Before anyone had a chance to add, there was a series of shouts from around the camp. It was difficult to hear what they were saying, but very soon people were sprinting around the dark campsite.

"What on earth..." Tom murmured, setting down his beer and standing up.
Sally reached out a hand and stopped a young, ragged woman who was clutching a grizzling baby. "What's going on?" She asked calmly.

The woman's eyes were wide and sunken with fatigue. She couldn't have been older than twenty and it seemed her baby was proving too much work for her. She held it protectively, pressing it to her chest. When she spoke, her voice was a hoarse terrified whisper. "Over the hills, I've never seen anything like it..." She didn't stop to elaborate, sprinting away into the shadows.

The calm, carefree atmosphere of the camp had completely gone, as the group tried to see what was happening, dark shapes whipped past them as people ran away.

They reached where they watched the two men capture the zombie, and finally saw what everyone was running from.

At least four hundred zombies were slowly trudging over the hillside towards camp, illuminated by the lights. Their white eyes glimmered as they came closer and closer, more zombies than anyone had seen in one place ever before.

Sally's face was harsh. "Matilda." She said. "Make sure all the children are safe in the schoolhouse. Gather up anyone who is willing to fight."

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