Chapter 3: I gave up on you a long time ago

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Fiona's POV

"No, never." He told me.

"Funny.." I thought those are the same word Prince Gumball told me that on day. I remember it was the day I was finally going to give it my all on asking him out. Which didn't turn out so well.

We were in his lab one day mixing chemicals for who knows what, and all of a sudden I thought it would be the perfect time to tell him.

"Hey Gumball," I said mixing around a green liquid in a test tube. "D-do... Do you think you could date, someone like me.." Almost instantly I regretted asking him that. I didn't regret it because i was nervous of what he was going to say. I just felt like I wasn't going to be pleased, even if he did say yes.

He replied by saying "Fiona," with a long sigh after that. "We talked about this, I'm 4 years older than you. It just wouldn't be right..." I think he was going to say more, but I just cut him off.

"You think I don't know that! Gumball there are people out there who are 10 years apart falling in love right now! It doesn't fucking matter! Love knows no age, Sir! You don't need to have that excuse anymore! That won't cut it! If you don't like me then grow your self a pair of gum balls, cuz you goddam need it mister! Yeah I know I'm not royally, and frankly I wouldn't want to be! I like who I am, and if a prick like you wants me to change...! Then clearly I'm better off with out you!" I said storming out of the castle. Gumball was in shock of what came out of my 14 year old mouth. But he came running after me.

"Fiona wait I'm sorry!"



"Your sorry?" I turned around in the door way. "Are you sure? Cuz I'm not!"

"Fiona I-"


"No wait Fiona..!"

"GOODBYE.... Your majesty." Making a angry face, and slamming the door in his face.

To this day I regret nothing. That entire experience changed me to who I am now.

I know who I am, and i'll know what I want, if and when it ever comes along.


Hey guys! Wow 3rd chapter already. I just wanna thank all the reads and the votes. This chapter was kinda short, but if I added more it would have ended weird and blah blah blah. But the next one is pretty long so I guess it makes up for it. Anyways!

Comment, vote, and read!!

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