The Dragons announcement

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Kevin's pov:
After the show, Avi announced that he wanted to speak to all of us. I suppose he's telling the rest of them now then, I'm proud of him. like now that he will be out very shortly, I feel like he's going to be happier and he can tryout new things. The only thing I'm worried about is how will he tell Mitch about he's feelings for him... What if Mitch doesn't feel the same?  Avi would be heart broken, well at least if Mitch doesn't like him, he'll tell him but not harshly because Mitch is a really kind and nice person. Any way i don't think that's is the case cuz I see the way he looks at Avi. It's seriously cute ahha. I just hope Avi can find the way to ten Mitch the way he wants to tell him. 
Avi's pov:
I've got the group to sit down cuz I need to tell them about me being gay and I hope they understand. I'm actually not nervous about telling them I'm more overwhelmed more than anything. I just hope mitch can get a hint from it and why I've been flirting with him more than usual, plus it would be easer for me to tell him about my feelings if understands.
Okay it's now or never, you can do this Kaplan.

Avi: okay so as u know I wanted to tell you guys something that's really important to me. And I really hope you understand and yeahh. I've already told Kevin about it the others knight cuz I really needed advice and you know Kevin is my bro ahha. 

They all just laughed and agreed.

Avi: okay well I've be having these strange feeling the past few months and I've noticed I've been looking at guys in a more sexual way I suppose... And I've come to terms and finally agreed that... I'm gay.

God that was such a relief!! Few. Okay now to see what they think.

Mitch: OMG!! Avi!! I'm sooo proud of you!!
Mitch said jumping out of his chair and running up to embrace me in a hug. I could get use to this, I thought.
Then Scott, Kirstie and Kevin all got up ad hugged me too so we were all having a big group hug. I was wove rebelled with the support off of them and I started to cry which set Scott and Mitch of and also Kirstie... Kevin is too much of a manly man to cry ahah. 

Avi: guys I'm soo happy to get that off of my chest I've locked it up for so long and it's so good to finally be free. I love you guys.
----------------------------------------------kirstie's pov:
Eeeep! I'm soo proud of Avi! Now to ask him if he's crushing on someone but I don't want everyone to know so ill text him.

To 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: Heyy avi just a rando question, have u got a crush on anyone? 😏 x
From 🐲avi bass cannon🐉:  yes, but am I going to tell u is another question 😏 x
To 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: oh come on you can't just say you do and not tell me! 😭x
From 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: okay if I tell you promise not to say anything? 😬x
To 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: I promise 😊 x
From 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: okay it's Mitch... 🙈Please don't tell him. I'm finding a way to tell him, it's just hard ya know😔. X
To 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: OMG! That's soo cute. I totally ship Mavi!, well when u actually do tell him, don't forget to tell me what happens okay?! 🙊 x
From 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: yeahh sure sis aha, but we should probably stop texting cuz we are sat across from each other and I still need to talk to the queen😬 wish me luck, I'm going to do it soo 😘😂x
To 🐲avi bass cannon🐉: aha yeah true, good luck bass cannon! And speak later 😘😂x

Awww I soo ship mavi!! I no for a fact that Mitch likes Avi. avi is soo Mitch's type!! And ugh the feels!
Mitch's pov:
OMFG! Could this day get any better I had a great breakfast and lunch, a great show and now some great news! Well for me any way, Avi is gay and now mommy might actually have a chance. hopefully he won't feel weird if I worked my flirtatious magic on him.
Mommy just wants a boyfriend, it's been a while and she has one person In mind now that he's available... I think.
Heyy guys!
Hope you liked this chapter, the next one will be Avi talking to Mitch sour his feelings.
Luv ya 😘 oh and don't forget to vote!:)

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