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“You’re guilty!” The white-winged, goody-goody Frankie shouted in my ear, waving his arms dramatically.

“Of?” I asked with a smirk, I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms.

“Sinning! In heaven! You’re an angel August, you have to act like one.”

Frankie looked outraged, it made me laugh. The little brother I had in my old life was totally changed up here. His dirty blonde hair was a spiked Mohawk and it never messed up, it stood up perfectly like a skyscraper. His pale ghost like skin didn’t tan at all, and his light hazel eyes had a glazed over gleam in them that weren’t there before we came here.

Frankie was my blood brother but when it came to looks, we were complete opposites. I had jet-black hair in a long shag that just covered my eyebrows with a windswept look, my skin was a golden tan, and my eyes were a bright baby blue. I had bigger muscles than Frankie and I had a six-pack unlike him.

Frankie used to be my best friend; we were the bad boys in our city, Memphis Tennessee. Frankie and I were the boys that all the girls crushed on, the people everyone made sure to be nice to, the boys who got everything; we were living it great. Until the day that Frankie and I got stuck in crossfire at a drive by shooting. A gang member hit Frankie, and as I made the stupid mistake of running to him I was shot. I think it was by a policeman. But the next thing I knew I was running through that white tunnel and met the big man himself. I hadn’t known how long I’d been up here in paradise but it got boring fast.

I was the trouble making bad-boy up here. I pranked on all the angels, messed around with the animals at Rainbow Bridge; I knew it would be a matter of time before I would become a fallen. I unlike Frankie hadn’t accepted that angelic attitude I refused it.

“I never said I rejected it. Being an angel stinks, I’m tired of it.” I say spinning on my heels to walk away.

In a flash Frankie is in front of me, his wings spread out. ”August Jordan.” His tone was deadly.

I however was not fazed by his tone or his threatening stance and I spread my wings to their full wingspan. Me being the older brother I was bigger than he was and my wings and build were bigger and stronger. My silky, bright white wings stretched twenty feet in all and I stood a solid six inches above him.

“Back off.” I threaten.

“Stop behaving like a devil.”

“Make me.”

What my brother did was surprising; he folded his wings and punched me. I took a step back from the full force and place a hand gingerly on my cheek. I glare at him and kick his side and punch his cheek as he takes a few staggering steps back. He uppercuts, my teeth clatter together, I smile wickedly loving the pain finally. I hit his chest hard making him fly back. Before I could react he flew toward me and punched my throat and my nose. I saw a group of angels coming closer and laughed. I faked it.

Falling on the floor I cough up blood and the goody-goody angels hold Frankie back as three other approach and drag me away.

One girl with platinum blonde hair says “You’ve done it this time August Jordan, you are going to court.”

I laugh, “There is an angel court? That seems unfair if you’re all goody-two-shoes.”

I hear her and another girl growl and I relax as I let them drag me away.


“Stand and receive your conviction, August Andy Jordan.” I hear an angel say, he was an old military commander, and his nametag said Robert E Lee.

I roll my eyes and stand up. “What?” I ask sourly.

“You are now a fallen angel, you will be sent back to earth with your wings until you learn your lesson.”

“Learn my lesson? About what?”

“How to respect what you have here. To experience the harshness of the world.”

After that sentence I couldn’t speak. A huge wave of pain washed over me. Flames licked at my arms, legs, and chest. My heart was the hearth of the fire, kit experienced the worst pain; I couldn’t help but scream.

I heard the crowd of angels watching my trial gasp and stare at me. I felt like I was a clown in a freak show with all the glazed eyes staring at me. I spread my wings and saw them turning grey, and then slowly into a black as dark as night. My halo dimmed and fell to the ground with a clatter. Before I could glance up to the shocked faces of the crowd of angles I fell through the ground.

I didn’t realize at first where I was but as I looked up I saw a cloud and then spun in the air, my wings immediately flew back and it felt like they were slowly being ripped from my back and I screamed. I was weightless, that is until I felt the fire feeling return, but this time when I opened my eyes I saw I really was on fire. I twisted and spun in the air, I could feel the ground approaching but was blinded so I didn’t know how close. All I could do was clench my fists and wait.

The fire trailed out behind me, I must have looked like a falling star to most mortals down below. I was being burned; my white baggy t-shirt and white sweatpants were now black and had holes in them. Flames licked at my exposed skin as I hurtled down. The ground came sooner than I expected.

I landed and felt the cold ground getting colder as I barreled into the earth. I wasn’t weak, other than my burns and my –most likely- broken wings. I stood and my eyes flashed to my surroundings. I climbed out of the deep crater I created and saw I was in a dump somewhere.

I sighed and limped over to a pile, digging until I finally dragged out a mattress. My burns were a devilish red, my wings were now numb, not a good sign. It was probably the middle of the night and the moon was full. How appropriate. I climbed onto the bed and spread my smoldering black wings. When most of the pain subsided I fell into a black, dreamless sleep.

What do you guys think?? (: I hope you like it so far, kinda a boaring start but I am positive it'll get better. Thanks for reading!

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