Remember My Name

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Co-writer here. Glad Yall liked the story! I love yall comments! Might be using some of yall Ideas in this chapter😏 Read On❤️


As I walked to the door I heard them arguing. Haha Funny. I loaded my gun not knowing what I was about to do. Just letting Anger take me where i wanted. I opened the door and walked in seeing the two standing right in front of me. Dear God .. Forgive me in advance for whatever I may do.

Taylor: Chres she got a gun! *hides behind him*

Chres: Oh shit... Babe put the gun down... Don't do anything stupid. *holding my hand up reaching for the gun*

Yn: Chres back Tf up now! *holds up the gun and a tear scrolls down from her eye*

Chres: Yn listen to me give me the gun. *takes a step back still holding his hands up*

Yn: So you still fucking with this bitch? *chuckles* I should've known.

Chres: It's not like that. You know I love you.

Yn: Does Prodigy know his hoe  still be over here ?

Taylor: *whispers* hoe?

Chres: Yn I'm sorry I only fucked her because your pregnant and you didn't wanna have sex for awhile. She don't mean nothing to me! Honestly.

Taylor: I don't!? What about everything you to-(gco)

Yn: No! You don't mean shit to him! *walks close to him and pushes him* And I'm starting to think I don't either.

From that moment, .....those thoughts, ......those words. I had to take a moment to think to myself. He's played me one too many times. But Taylor knows he's my man. But he also lead her on. He maybe just out here breaking women's hearts, sticking his business into anyone who lets him and leaves them. But then again me and this bitch already had this conversation. How hard is it to stay away from MY man? Why cant she just leave him alone?! Who should I take my anger out on? Should I kill them ? Should I be a lady about this? A million thoughts spinning in my head. So many things I could do.............One choice.

Chres: You know thats not true!

Yn: Chres Move.. *points my gun over to the left*

Chres: Yn you don't have todo this!

Yn: Chresanto Move!! *points her gun at him*

Chres: *moves over to left*

Taylor: *tries to follow behind him*

Yn: Stay right there! *points the gun at her then walks toward her*

Taylor: *stays still*

Chres: Just let her go.

Taylor: Look Yn I'm so sorry *starts to cry* I swear I'll never touch him again !! Please just -(gco)

Yn: *Knocks her out with the gun*

Taylor: *falls to the ground with her mouth bleeding*

Chres: Yn what are you doing!!

Yn: You shutup!! *tearing up again* Look at me chres! Am I not attractive anymore! You put a baby inside of me and this is what your doing! *crying*

Chres: No baby Im sorry . It was mistake. Just give me th-(gco)

Yn: *hits him in the face with the gun*

Chres: fuckk! *holds his bleeding nose*

Yn: Are you serious! *hits him again*

Chres: Stop Yn damn! *tries to block her next hit and tries to hold her arm ,stepping back falling on the couch*

Yn: Did you tell that bitch to stop fucking you?! *runs toward him and starts beating him with the gun*

Chres: *trying to hold your arms back , getting pissed* Yn get off me real talk!!

Yn: Stfu!! Everything I do for your dumbass!! *screaming and crying loudly and keeps  beating him* So stupid!! I hate you!

Chres: *gets mad and slaps her hard*

Yn: ahhhh *screams falls back on the floor cryingg*

Chres: *runs over to you* baby I'm sorry. *tears up*

Yn: *screaming* no!! leave me alone!!

Chres: Baby please. Im-(gco)

Yn: .. Chresanto p-please *crying* just leave me alone. *tries to get up*

Chres: *helping her up*

Yn: *gets up* g-get off of me *still crying*

Chres: Yn are you okay??

Yn: Im fine without you . *holding my stomach trying to walk*

Chres: *walking after you* baby you need to si-(gco)

Yn: Chresss l-leave me alone before .. Before ... I call the police and tell them you hit me! *wiping my tears* D-don't you see. Im already hurt enough.. J-just go check on your girlfriend...

Chres: But-(gco)

Yn: G-go! *tearing up and keeps walking*

Chres: *hesitates then walks back to the house*

Yn: *holding my stomach, trying to walk to me car*


I cant believe he hit me. What did I do .. Loook at me .. All this stress isnt good for the baby. I cant believe this. My stomach hurts badly. I can barely walk.. I cant see at all and I'm dizzy. I got in my car and pulled out my phone and went to my contacts and called someone. I managed to get out a few words before I
passed out .

On The Phone:

??: Hello ?

Yn: *breeathless*

??: Look what do you want ? I don't have time for this.

Yn: H-help me .. Plea - please... He- (gco)

??:*hears horn blowing and the phone drops*YN! .. Yn! Where are you ! Are you okay??


Is Taylor Okay?
Are Chres and Yn over ?
Who was on the phone?
What happened?
Find out next chapter😉
Im out.✌️
Keep Commenting?
~ @queendaedae

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