beSt friEnds. toileT paPer ninJas. clearlY they are both. naturally theiR housE is fillEd witH toileT pAPer. NOw to describe how they look. SaLly is taLl with blUe hair. MicHael is short fAt and greEN. Sally Is the leAder Who tOileT pApeRs ThinGs The MOst. hE hAs thE Gun. Of ToIlET pAper. MichAel HaS nOthing. But SecrEtly MichAel is bEtter thAn sAlly. ThEy Go on mAny AdvenTuRes EvEry Day. Toilet pApering HoUses EveRywhEre. Even theIr own UniversItY. Sally is Not HElpIng MiChael With tHiS aT aLl. It iS HallOween. They FInd ThEir OLD FrIend. ThEy wrap Him in ToIleT papEr. He wAs suffocAtiNg. RigHt bEfOre he diEd. He sAid "you GuYs HavE tO beCoMe ninJas" hE UsEd hIs lasT breAtH tO saY "ToIleT paPer NinJa."
TheY SaiD "oK BuT DOnt tell Us wHat to Do!"
the toilet paper ninjas
Ficção HistóricaSally and Michael are toilet paper ninjas. CAN YOU GUESS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT