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"Tracey wasn't just having trouble sleeping...it was a real disorder, full on night terrors" I say, absently chewing my fingernails. Lydia gently pulls my hand away from my mouth and holds onto it, she knew that Tracey was once my best friend and knows that this isn't easy for me.

"Yeah well now she's the night terror" Stiles adds

"Okay, I know we are all tired, and miserable, except you" he says, looking at Mason

He chuckled a little in disbelief "you, your a kitsune, I don't even know what that is!" He says to Kira

"I'm still learning" she says with a small smile

"Liam we said you could tell him, not invite him into the inner circle" Stiles says to Liam "I'm in the inner circle?!" Mason's mouth drops open

"No!" Stiles and Liam shout

"Okay guys! Back to Tracey, she's just one lone wolf"

"One lone serial killing wolf"

"She only killed one person, the other two were mauled" I look at Stiles "they're still dead. Does it really matter how they died?"

"Ok, what do we do when we catch her?" Lydia asks

"I say put her down" Malia says

I glare at her "we're trying to save people. Not kill them"

Masons eyes widen "intense" I can't help but feel a little better at his reaction

"Guys let's concentrate on catching her first"

• • •

I take my usual seat in Biology, sitting next to Lydia as our teacher hands out our test scores back

I sigh as I see my score "seriously?" I say as I burry my head onto my folded arms

"It's not that bad!" Lydia encourages me

"It's 86! That's a low A!" She taps my shoulder and I raise my head slightly "I got 87, it's an AP class, don't be so hard on yourself!" "It's just all of this... stuff going on. I'm just a little on edge" I shoot Lydia a small smile "your right" I look over at Scott he got the same mark as me

"I clearly see where your talents lie Scott, so how about you summarize last nights reading"

"Oh, uh, sure" he turns his colouring book of a text book pages to the page

Something catches my eye from the small door window. I look up to see Liam waving his arms at Scott "oh my god" I say in disbelief

"Scott?" The teacher asks, waiting for him "uh, sorry" he says, he keeps turning the page

I sigh, he had already passed the page

He points to his ear, telling Liam that he can hear what he would be saying,  I grit my teeth, Well I can't hear...

My phone buzzes "what's happening" it's Theo

I look behind me to see him, he raises an eyebrow

"What's he saying?" I text back

Impossible ➸ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now