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This is the worst day of my whole life... And it all started as soon as Lydia pulled out this stupid hammer that now rests on the seat next to me.

It sucks after a fight, I think of more important points that I could've brought up, or maybe I could have made things better by agreeing what I did was wrong. But you just never know...

Nothing usually tears us apart, no guy, makeup or clothes, or even the supernatural, but I guess in this case it just did...

Sitting in this car is the last thing I want to be doing, but I do it anyways. I don't know why, but it's like something is clouding my thoughts, making it difficult to breath. Clutching the steering wheel as hard as I can, I can faintly feel the hot tears flow freely down my face, but I don't bother to wipe them away.

I barely know where I'm going until I stop, the start of the woods. Near the Hales house.

Grabbing the hammer, I push open my car door. The fresh air doesn't help my breathing. It's like I'm suffocating, and no matter how hard I breath, I can't breath normally.

I don't ever want to see this Hammer again, this ruined the relationship I have with my only remaining best friend. My only sister.

Clenching my teeth, I let out a frustrated groan. Throwing the hammer as hard as I can onto the ground, I sink to the ground. Letting the sobs wrack my crumpled body.

Surprisingly, this makes me feel better, and in able to clear my head and go over Lydia and i's fight.

"I should have heard this from you, not your boy toy" Why does she mean? Does she mean Theo?

I wish Allison was here, to help me through this, I guess I just have to hope she's watching over me right now.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see its Lydia. Wow... The nerve she has, calls me a lair and then an hour later is calling me. I hit the decline button, and about ten seconds later, I get a text

"I found out what Parrish is"

This immediately gets me to stand up and go into my car, turning the keys to start the car, but it won't turn on.

How could this day get any worse?

Slamming the car door, I prop open the hood and look inside, something is smoking and sending out fumes all over the place

I kick the car as hard as I can "Work you piece of shit!" I scream. Picking up the hammer, my only tool that can help fix this car, I hit a pipe as hard as I can. The smoke stops.

"Attacking another thing with that hammer?" I turn, to see Theo. I'm so mad at him, but he looks so hot in a leather jacket...

"What do you mean?" I ask, letting the hammer slip between my sweaty palms

"I mean Donavon of course" he steps closer, but I back up into a tree. He puts his hand right next to my head on the tree, and leans forward so he's only around a inch from me

"Why would you tell Lydia?" I want to shout, but it only comes as a whisper

"That's for another day" he whispers, his lips so close to mine. At first, none of us lean in to break the space in between us, but he does after a while

I don't want to kiss him, my subcontinent telling me to stop, he ruined your relationship with Lydia. But my heart is telling me yes, after a while, my subcontinent wins, and I break it apart

"I can't do this with you anymore" I look down at my feet, but his hand tilts my head back up "look me in the eye and tell me that"

I look him straight in his blue eyes, force my racing heart to not give me away, and tell him "I can't do this with you anymore"

He smirks "good" my eyebrows draw together in confusion "w-what?" He leans away "less heartbreak for you. To be honest, I was just using you to get what I want from the pack... And I did"

He smirks, but it isn't the same as he always did it. I could see the heartbreak in his eyes, he didn't want that to happen...

• • •

I decided he didn't mean anything to me on my run to the school. If Lydia found out something about Parrish, maybe we could fix things between us.

Running to the library, I'm about to open the door when another hand grabs it, and pulls it away.

It's Theo again, he smirks at me again "I wouldn't do that, My love" I yank back my hand "I'm not your love you made that very clear about ten minutes ago"

He laughs "good, to be honest, I would say I have no regrets, using you, but that's not true..." His face becomes serious "I regret leading you on for so long"

The anger that's inside me is growing fast. I'm about to say something when a loud howl is heard from inside "what did you do?" He shakes his head "you'll see"

Before I even think about what I'm doing, my hand swings up and connecting with his jaw.

He's laughing now "sorry about this" his fist connects with my face, hard. The last thing I see before I see complete blackness is the hurt on his face as he punched me. I hit the ground hard and I don't get up.

Impossible ➸ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now