Chapter 2

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Waking up I was sore. It was from the bumps in the road. I was in a small cramped stall. My legs where folded beneath me. Even if I were to stand up I would feel cramped.

"Clang, clang" The sound of metal hitting metal rang through the air all of a sudden.  A small "click, click" whispered through the air. Some one with spurs was walking through the halls of the stables. The clicking went by slowly going back to a quiet silence.

More sounds came from random places  some where screeching horses and other random noises made by things grating on each other.

Another stomp down the hall. It stopped in front of my stall opening the lower part of the stall. A man with a lead rope and a halter in hand, he slipped it over my head. Opening the rest of the door to the stall he pulled me forward as I got up on my hooves.

He lead me to a coral and led a whip behind me. My horse took over and raced away from it. I galloped for many minutes slowly getting tired. As we walked through the halls of the stable to return to my stall, I didn't see any of my herd, we must have been sold when we where knocked out. Eventually I couldn't continue galloping and dropped down to a canter. The man continued to push the whip behind me until I dropped to a trot. Finally I stared to walk panting some for air and sweat dripped down my back. 

The whip moved away and I was lead back to the cramped stall still sweaty. He took of the lead rope and closed both top and bottom of the stall door. I couldn't turn around so I ended up facing away from the door. Sound all stopped and I knew it was night and settling the best I could. In my sweat covered coat, I fell asleep.

)()( I )()(

I woke up the next day all sweaty from yesterday. I was awoken by a slam from a door some distance from my stall.

Stomping came in front of my door and stop in front of me. The door opened and another man appeared. He directed me back and then clipped me with a lead and walked down the hallway. He tied my lead to a post and with a hose sprayed me with warm water washing away my sweat.

"He should've washed her right after you sweated like that. No way to treat a horse Samuel no way." he muttered under his breath. Once he was done he lead me down a different hallway to a bigger stall. I laid down in the fresh bed of straw and rolled in it getting the itches I couldn't get in that small stall. The man had left me in the stall alone and I kept rolling.

I stopped later on and went to the food and the water in buckets. Chowing down on the food and gulping up the water I felt better.  Later near noon from the activity of the stables I got more food. I ate it and then I was pulled out of my stall to a separate room. I was tied up a women with a doctors bag came near me. She set her bag down and looked at my body.

She opened my mouth looking at my teeth. Looked at my hooves cleaning them out some. Looking for scratches. Taking my temperature, and giving me some shots.

I was brought to another room with a fire place and a man with tools and metal on a table. Tied up again the man cleaned out each of my hooves and trimmed them. He put metal horse shoes on them they felt heavy and I didn't like them. I was lead back to the stall and settled in. They gave me my dinner and left me to sleep.

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