Chapter 1

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Racing across the plains with my herd all around me was exhilarating! Nothing we couldn't see for miles out. My brown mane waving through the wind. The lead stallion pulled up and the rest of us did as well.

The sun was starting to set. Orange light flew across the bright blue sky. Many of the horses had shifted into their human forms to help clean others.

They walked around naked with a cloth full of water and wiped everyone down quickly. Eventually they would do it for themselves, when they where done with the others.

Many of the shifters settled down on the ground some stood guard for the night, I was one of them.

My brown ears perked swiveling around keeping note of all the sounds around the herd. We had yet to get to the other herd that was supposed to be near by. We would normally stay in our house, but this herd liked to move around on the open plains, the plains we were running along to get to them. We had a meeting with them to see if any of the shifters would like to pair up and mate for life. Horse shifters are able to choose there own mate. In order to get a mate we obviously have to mate with each other. All the non-mated horse shifters that are mate-less have been waiting for the right horse shifter to come along.

My ears swiveled quickly to a loud boom that I missed in my scan. Screeching out I called to the herd. Many woke up, but not all. Once the other scouts heard me screech they started to. We needed to wake up as many as possible. We heard another boom, it was of a human gun. A horse fell down with a dart on it's rump. We couldn't stay any longer, another boom, the lead stallion fell down. We all shrieked and ran in different directions to save ourselves from being hit.

More booms, much more rapidly started to go across the plains. We were stupid to settle near some tree for some shade when we wouldn't need it at night. More horses fell down, darts sticking out from their bodies. Racing away there was a boom to the right of me and I jumped forward. A horse fell down behind me. Leaping over some of the fallen horses that fell to the ground.

I was covering space getting away! Freedom to be safe! I was one of the last escaping, quickly looking behind many of my friends and family were on the ground sleeping only my small group hasn't been darted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" the sound rang throughout the air in front of us. It was to late to jump to the side. A dart was sticking out of my neck. The other horses quickly fell down while I stumbled some. Walking forward a little more till I slid to the ground instead of falling like the others. I saw through blurry eyes horses being dragged to trailers. Someone stood over my slightly open eyes as I blinked furiously to try and keep my eyes open.

He yelled out something that was muffled, like I had cotton in my ears. I was lifted and set in a separate truck on the back. They put some rope to hold me down closed the gate to the truck. Putting a tarp with holes over the opening and roping it down. Tiny holes of light shone through till my world turned black.

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