Chapter 1

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Hiya! =) I just wanna say thanks for reading my book and please feel free to comment and tell me what you think about it.

Chapter 1

I don't have dreams. I have nightmares.

But these nightmares... these are real. I can't control what happens and I can't just pinch myself and wake up. I can't even avoid them. I mean, I would if I could, but I barely get enough sleep as it is.

I don't know how it works, but as soon as I fall asleep I'm gone. Gently I'm being pulled into this place that has been created for me. Just like I am now.

Even though I haven't opened my eyes yet, I know exactly where I am.

I'm on an island. To my right there is a beautiful, never ending ocean. And to my left is a small dirt path, that leads through the millions of palm trees and leafy dark green bushes packed tightly together, to a small, wood cabin.

I keep my eyes closed as I let my senses take over. I can hear the sounds of the waves crashing and leaves rustling together in the gentle breeze. I can smell the smoke from the cabins chimney. Feel the rough sand beneath my bare feet. I am completely alone... for now.

Finally I open my eyes and let out a long sigh. It looks beautiful as always. But I know its just a trick to make me feel safe, and relaxed. And that takes most of the beauty away. My dark brown hair is down coming to an end in the middle of my back, and I have a baby blue bikini on. Of course, my sister's locket is hanging loosely around my neck, but I don't have to look inside it to know the picture has been changed.

Instead of slowly making my way to the cabin like I usually do, I begin walking to the ocean. It's the perfect picture. The lovely blue water, reflecting the amazing oranges of the sunset. The ripples and waves moving it as if it were a living thing. I had always loved the water. I stopped when I came to the edge and just stared at it for a few seconds. Even though I should hate it, I couldn't. The sight was breathtaking.

Well it was until arms slowly snaked around my stomach to hold me. My whole body tensed up as I held back a scream, my fists clenched tightly at my sides. Issac pulled me against him and leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek. I tried not to flinch away but couldn't stop myseld.

"Hello beautiful." He whispered into my ear and gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Issac." I muttered fighting the urge to throw myself out of his arms and run as far away from him as I could.

"You've been avoiding me." He said his voice laced with anger. He began to turn me around. I could see the anger in his eyes too and knew I was in trouble. Truth is, I have been avoiding him. This was the first time I'd slept in five days, and I hadn't wanted to.

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep." I stammered out hoping he wouldn't catch my lie. I was trembling under his stare, but I couldn't make myself stop. His hands stayed on my waist as he searched my eyes. It took him a few seconds to answer.

"It would be best if you do not lie to me again Dylan." He spit out through gritted teeth. His hold on me tightened enough to where I knew it would leave a bruise. I closed my eyes, wishing this would all just go away. Issac growled as he started pacing, running his hands through his hair. Attempting to control the anger that was begging him to shift into his wolf. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself.

After a few minutes he came back to me, and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I tensed up again, the urge to punch him was getting harder to resist. Issac, realizing this, gave me a meanacing smile. Then he reached down to my hip and started tracing my tattoo with a finger.

We were still at the edge of the water, so I turned and started walking into it. Issac tried to grab me but I dove out of his reach. I was tired of this. I was not a toy he could play with anytime he wanted to. I hadn't gotten far when I heard splash behind me. I pretended not to hear it and kept swimming. The water felt amazing, and I sank underneath it. Letting it hold me in place.

I stayed under the water until Issac yanked me up, which didn't take long. I growled in frustration and yanked my arm away from him. I wasn't scared anymore, I was ticked off. The last time I had gotten angry with Issac it hadn't ended well, but I honestly didn't care. I was sick of this and I was done with him.

"Don't freaking touch me!" I yelled and pushed myself away from him. At first he looked shocked, but it took less than a second for that to change. He grabbed me again and started hauling me back to the island. I screamed and smacked his chest, pulling his arm off me. He just kept grabbing it again.

When we got back to the shore, he threw me on the ground. I had never seen him this angry. Then again I've never hit him until now. He stared at me for a few seconds before he jerked me up again, almost yanking my shoulder out of it's socket.

"What the hell is wrong with you? If you ever hit me again you will not get away unpunished do you hear me? Remember your place." He growled at me squeezing my arm so hard I thought he might break it.

"Let me go Issac." I said trying to pull myself out of his rock solid grip. He snarled and held on tighter.

"Listen to me Dylan, you are mine. If you say one more word before I tell you to you will not get away with it. I am in control here. Not you. You better realize that right now." He whispered as he pulled me closer to him. Before I could react he kissed me. I had to fight to keep from vomiting. It was wrong, and sick. I was grateful when he finally pulled back.

"Let's go to the cabin." He said as he grabbed my hand and started tugging me forward. I didn't say anything, couldn't say anything. When Issac looked back at me he had a huge smile plastered on his face. Oh how I wished I could smack that smile off him. He was a sick man.

I let him drag me to the cabin, no longer stuck in my frozen state, but not stupid enough to say anything just yet.

When we reached the cabin, Issac smiled back at me, opening the door and pulling me inside. Even though the interior was gorgeous, it no longer affected me. The dark leather couches and beautiful wood floors, I didn't care about it at all.

"Dylan," Issac started to say but stopped. Slowly he looked up, tilting his head with a frown. Confused I looked up to. There was nothing there. That's when I felt it. The slight buzz in the air, getting stronger by the second. I was waking up. I started to look at Issac but I was thrown onto the nearest couch.

He stood in front of me, anger ozzing off of him. The buzz was slowly growing more powerful and I started to smile. This ended up making Issac even madder. Before I could react he slapped me across the face. My head jerked back and I let out a shriek hoping he wouldn't do it again. He had never hit me until now.

As I slowly turned my head back to him, I could tell what was about happen. Issac had used magic on me plenty of times, and it terrified me. It was very painful and got worse every time. Thankfully, we aren't aloud to use magic in the clans. It was a crime to use it against someone, but here no one could help me.

Like the cliffhanger? =) haha So I hope you like it so far! I know it's kinda short but its my first time writing on here so o well lol And I also know that it's not to great at the moment but I promise it get's better. You just have to keep reading and see for yourself.

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