Chapter 4

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Hey guys! =) I'm really really sorry I havent been able to update! With school going and sports I'm writing whenever I can but its taking awhile =/ Anyways thank you for reading and feel free to comment and vote! =)

Chapter 4

It only took about five minutes to get back to the house, but I still yelled the whole way.

"Put me down already! It's not like I can run away, handcuffs remember?" Both the boys laughed at me, and I wasn't put down.

"You're the one who wouldn't walk. This was the other option." Aaron said. If I could see his face, he'd be smiling. I was starting to get a headache.

"Aaron! Please just put me down! I'll walk." I whispered the last part, even though I knew he'd hear me. He stopped and Mason came around where he could see me. He had this huge, stupid, grin on his face.

"What was that? I don't think we heard you right." Aaron laughed and Mason came a little closer to me showing me his ear.

I sighed and pushed on Aaron's back, lifting my head up. "I said I will walk, Mason." I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled.

"If you don't, I'll put you right back." Aaron warned before slowly dropping me to the ground. Without his touch I felt a little cooler. The small tingling sensation I had gotten was gone, and I couldn't stop the small frown that formed on my lips. When I looked at Aaron I saw he was frowning too. What is going on with us?

"Thank you God." I said even though I really didn't mean it that much anymore.

"You can just call me Aaron." He laughed winking at me, and I couldn't help but laugh too. I was still mad at being caught, but I wasn't mad at them. They were just doing what they had been told to do. Plus, I'm just going to run away again, and I was really starting to like these guys.

I ran my hands through my messy hair, and we started walking. Aaron on my right and Mason on my left. At the edge of the woods the boys stopped and looked at me.

"What?" They both looked nervous.

"Do you know Benji?" I sighed and nodded.

"He gets everything he wants because he's the son of an elder. A total jerk, who I punched the night before I ran away." I laughed when I saw their faces. It was a little bit of shock and awe.

"You punched him?" Mason asked, cracking a smile. "I am seriously starting to think catching you was the best thing I've ever done." I giggled, and Aaron smiled at me. Breathtaking, of course.

It was then that it finally got to me that they were my age. They shouldn't be out chasing runaways, they should be in the clan. Training, and learning.

"Why were you guys chasing me anyways? Your my age. I mean you shouldn't even be outside of territory." They both looked at each other and smiled.

"What?" I sighed, ready to know what was going on.

"Well, we ran away the same day you did." Mason chuckled when he saw my jaw drop.

"Excuse me?!" Aaron laughed.

"We ran away the same night you did, and we stayed in hiding when they were looking for us. But after about a month they stopped. We weren't important, just some runaways. Anyways we worked out at gyms, trained, went to school and kept in touch with drama going on in the clan still.  It had been about a year when we heard that they were looking for this girl that ran away the same day as us." I held his gaze even as Mason continued for him.

"We, of course, started wondering why they would still be looking for you if they quit looking for us so long ago. We wanted to know what made you so special. So, we went deeper into the details. They were looking for you because of the prophecy." He paused and I tore my eyes away from Aaron to look at him.

"The prophecy?" I asked.

"Yep. One of the elders had a vision around the end of the first month we'd been gone. It said that you were going to save us all one day. That you had powers that had been kept from us, but that others would be coming for you too. That's why they stopped chasing us all of a sudden. They were all being used to find you." Aaron started up again.

"We left them to it thinking sooner or later they would find you, but they didn't. So we, being the amazing runaways that we are, offered our assistance. We told them how our experience could help them locate you and figure out your escape routes. And then, here we are." He finished it with a huge grin and I punched his arm.

"Really?  You guys helped them?" I sighed. Why did they have to help them?

"Hey, we would rather have you save us then whatever else we got coming." Mason laughed and I smiled.

"Well, I guess that's okay. But what are you guys getting out of it?"

"We get to go back as if nothing happened. But we will get a little bit punished." Mason held his fingers up on the last part, his thumb barely away from his finger. I smiled. And they laughed.

"So you got anything else we should know about?" asked Mason sounding like a little kid. My smile fell, and I stared at the ground. Memories of before I left came rushing back, and I took a deep breath.

"Well you know how you asked me about Benji?"

Both of the boys smiles faded and Aaron's face went hard.

"Yes." He bit out. I could practically hear the growl in his words. He was fighting for control to keep his wolf back.

"I'm supposed to marry him so we can start a pack of our own. His mother and my father arranged it. It's one of the many reasons I left." I whispered the last part, and it was like my sadness triggered something in Aaron. It was only a second longer before he had his arms wrapped around me. Mason punched the tree nearest to him and let out a string of curses. Now he was trying to get control.

"How could they do that to you?" He growled out and punched the tree again.

"They know arranged marriages aren't right. He's not your mate!" He was breathing heavy but his control was getting stronger. I buried my face in Aarons chest and took in a deep breath. No, Benji isn't my mate. But maybe someone else is....

Sorry it's kinda short but I just had to stop it there! =)

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