Chapter 3

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Sorry it took me so long to update this chapter but I was/am extremely busy with all my summer sports workouts and leagues. So I am going to try to update more chapters as soon as I can! =)

Chapter 3

I turned around to find him, and did. But he was pointing a crossbow right at me.

Instantly I dropped the magic, it didn't make me invisible. I crossed my arms and glared at him. He had this stupid smirk on his face, and the crossbow didn't budge. Oh and my locket was wrapped around his hand.

"Put the bow down idiot, we both know you won't actually shoot me." I said as I glared at him. He laughed and lowered the bow, a little bit. His smile was like sunshine. What is wrong with me?

"I might shoot you, but I won't kill you. So you should come down now." Surprisingly his voice was deeper than I imagined it. He lowered the bow some more.

I gave him as sweet a smile as I could, and batted my eyelashes a little bit. I knew I was pretty, I'd been told it all my life with my long dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. "I'll come down if you go away." I said innocently. He chuckled and lowered the bow some more. Just a little lower.

"I'm not going away, just come down before I shoot you." He had a little bit of a country accent. It was cute. I sighed and pushed myself off of the branch, landing about five feet ahead of him. Just like I thought he would he dropped the bow to his side holding it with one hand.

"Happy?" I crossed my arms and glared some more.

"Yep." He smirked and glared right back at me. Then reached his hand out, my necklace dangling from his fingers. I took a few steps towards him and untangled it from his hand, trying not to touch him. As soon as it was off him and back around my neck, I gave him a sweet smile. Then I kicked the bow out of his hand and punched him.

Obviously he didn't see it coming, and the bow flew out of his hand and he ended up on his butt in the dirt holding the left side of his face where I had hit him. I didn't wait for him to get up but started running as fast as I could. I knew I probably wouldn't make it, but I could try.

I actually got farther than I thoguht I would when I heard him getting closer. Even though I was running as hard as I could he was faster than me and there was nothing I could do about that. I was jsut about to make a sharp turn to throw him off when I was flying face first into the ground.

That's right, he just freaking tackled me. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, but he turned his body to where we would split the blow. I didn't have time to react before he straddled me and trapped my hands above my head.

"Here's some advice, don't run." He smirked obviously proud that he had caught me.

"And why not?"

"I like the chase." He winked as soon as he said it and it gave me an idea. Before he could react I reached up and kissed him. I thought it would be like when Issac kissed me, that feeling of wrongness. But I was wrong. It was perfect and just.. right. When I remembered my plan I slowly pulled away. One of his hands were on the side of my face and the other was barely holding my wrist anymore. Perfect.

Once again I punched him. He fell off of me, and I pushed myself up, and started running. I'd taken about five steps when I went flying through the air.. again. My knees hit the ground first, followed by the rest of me. When I turned my head around to yell at the guy again, I realized it was a different one. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair and adorable blue eyes. He also looked about 6'2 around the same height of the other guy, but with wider shoulders and more muscle. He was wearing a dark blue baseball cap and he was laughing so hard tears were running down his face.

"Shut up Mason." Said my original attacker, as he rubbed his face and pushed himself up off the ground. Which only made (Mason?) laugh harder. I rolled over quickly since he was distracted and he fell onto the ground. Sadly he grabbed me a second before I could get up.

"I am now your biggest fan." Mason said to me trying, and failing, to stop laughing. I couldn't stop my own small smile.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I asked kinda confused.

"Nobody has gotten a good hit on Mr. Muscles over there for three months. Well, until now that is." I looked over at 'Mr. Muscles' and could already see the bruises fading from his face. I gave Mason a bigger smile.

"I got in two actually." He laughed as he pulled us both to our feet and bowed down in front of me.

"You are a goddess." I died laughing. When I was done I gave him a sweet look.

"You should really let me go." I even gave him a pouty look, with puppy dog eyes. He chuckled and sighed.

I'm afraid I can't do that darling, I like ya to dang much." He winked at me when he said the last part and I sighed. Even if they force me to go back to the clans I'll just run away again. It wasn't safe there.

Mason, still holding my wrists together, started walking us over to Mr. Muscles who was examining his crossbow from where I had kicked it.

"Let's go Aaron. We've got to make it back in five minutes or we are in serious trouble and you know it." Aaron sighed and chuckled.

"We're already in trouble man, how much worse could it get?"

"You'd be surprised." Mason replied. I was so caught up in their conversation that I didn't have time to react before Mason handcuffed me.

"What the hell?" Aaron chuckled and came to stand beside me.

"That's what you get for punching people." Even though I was pretty mad I laughed and winked at him. No harm in flirting. The boys started to walk, but I didn't budge. They didn't even say anything, just looked at eachother. Next thing I know I'm slung over Aaron's shoulder, and we are walking back towards the house.

Hey!! =) so I hope you like it so far! Keep voting and commenting and of course reading!

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