My life @ Fariy tale

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Chapter 5 Tatiana and Natsu are going on a date... The gilled is ATTACKED...

After the fight between Gray and Natsu was settled. I was living in the same house with Natsu. So every morning he always makes me breakfast in bed. He makes me Sunny side up Eggs with bacon sprinkled on top, buttered toast, and an orange juice. I always turn the orange juice in to a smoothy so Natsu and I can drink it together. I was looking out the window by the bed and petting Mia. I didn't hear Natsu come in until a smell of great cooking filled the room.

Natsu: Morning beautiful.
Tatiana: Oh.. You scared me.. Good morning. I give him a good morning kiss on his cheek.
Natsu: I made your favorite. Sunny side up Eggs with Bacon sprinkled on top with buttered toast and orange juice.
Tatiana: Sound good. Did you eat this morning? You look hungry.
Natsu: I guess I forgot to mack me a plate as well.
Tatiana: Oh... Well you can have some of mine Natsu. I don't mind sharing with the on I love.
Natsu: Really thanks.. I love you ya know that.
Tatiana: Yah. I do.
After we ate breakfast we brushed are teeth and went to pick up Gray for training. Then it was off to the training hall were I start training with Erza today. After We arriver they both walked me to the training hall for Ex Class Wizards. I kissed them both on the cheek and Gray was blushing after.
Gray: Ahh. Don't get your selves killed in there okay. Will be heart broken if you do.
Tatiana: Okay I'll try not to.
Natsu: What the hell was the.... Come here. After Natsu said that he picked me up and kissed me on the lips...
Natsu: That's better. Don't get hurt okay I don't want to see you in the nursery anymore then you've already been. Okay?
Tatiana: Okay.. I will.
When I started walking. Natsu and Gray were talking. Gray was still blushing from when i kissed him on the check. Erza was waiting for me at the door.
Erza: So your training with me today?
Tatiana: Yah. I guess so.
Erza: Okay.... First thing to do is you transform.
Tatiana: Okay..... I transformed into the she demon.
Erza: Good now hit the target with fire then ice. But NOT at the same time.
Tatiana: Okay.. I've got this. I did as Erza said and used Fire first then Ice. I did a fire dragon roar. And a ice dragon talon strike. And took the target out with one blow.
Tatiana: I did it Erza. I did it
Erza: Amazing you did it in one blow. Not even Maria could do that an she is a she demon.
Tatiana: So i did it in one blow and she didn't? I guess that's cool and all but i don't want anyone telling her that i might die if someone dose...
Erza: I'll only tell the master. I have to tell him what going on here.. So it will be between me, you, and the master. Okay.
Tatiana: Okay. Is training over yet?
Erza: You only need to tale out 50 more targets. And then its over.. You can do it i know you can.
She pointed to the targets and all i did was us a fire and ice dragon roar together and took all 50 of them down.
An walked out of the training hall when also transforming back to my regular self. Ezra's jaw dropped to the floor and was clapping her hands in amazement. After training i was tired to Natsu and and I head home. Natsu made dinner and i made dessert. For dinner Natsu made spaghetti and meat sauce, with garlic bread, and a side salad. I made a chocolate cake with a fug middle. So when you cut into the fug drizzles out. Its sooooo good.
Natsu: That look good.
Tatiana: Thanks. Dinner smells good. Did you us the spearmint in the sauce?
Natsu: Yah. You can smell the mint cant you?
Tatiana: Yah. Its a good thing though. You mack the best spaghetti in the world.
Natsu: Thanks babe.
Tatiana: Oh.. Hush you. I'm almost done with the cake. Just have to the frosting on top and I'll be done.
Natsu comes over and kisses my neck and moved to my shoulder.
Tatiana: Natsu I'm still making the cake stop.... To shut me up he kissed me on the lips and moved to my cheek.
Natsu: So. Doing this make you look cute... You look cute when you blush..
After he said that I can feel my cheeks becoming worm. Natsu was smile, and then I fug on his lips and then i lick it off his lips and kiss him and told him the we can do this later but now we need to eat dinner before it gets could...
All of a sudden we get a call from the master to tell us that the gilled was attacked. We rust after the call not even eating dinner. The master only called Gray, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, and me to gilled.
Erza: What on Earth happened here!?!
Master: The gilled was attacked by a dark gilled.
Natsu: Oh... When I fined out witch dark Gilles it is. I'm gana... I'm gana
Tatiana: Natsu calm down. Okay? Let me do the talking...
Natsu: Okay.
Tatiana: We'll find who ever did this and we will talk. But if they do something funny. Will hit them harder then what they did to are gilled house.
Natsu: That's my girl.
Master: Okay. But I don't want to here from the magic council about it.
Everyone: ALL RIGHT... LETS GO!!
Everyone followed Natsu and I. Because Dragon Slayers have a really good sense of smell. After we found the dark gilled. I sensed another dragon slayer. But this one had a really good smell of Iron. After i opened the doors to there gilled hall. Everyone turned around. And 4 of them came up to us.
The 4 wizards: What the Hell are you doing in are gilled hall??
Dragon slayer: Well aren't you cute. All big and bad coming into are gilled hall and yelling at us. Whats your name hot stuff?
Tatiana: Tell me yours first then I'll talk.
Dragon slayer: Oh... Tuff Girl.. Alright. The names Gajhiel. Iron dragon slayer. Of the New century. Now your name.
Tatiana: I'm Tatiana... Fire and Ice Dragon Slayer. Old Century. I'm guessing your the hotshot that attacked are gilled?
Gajhiel: Yah.. I'm not going to lie. I attacked your gilled. It was like squishing a bug.
Tatiana: HOW DARE YOU. I should freeze and burn your whole gilled down. But I don't rush to vilens.
Gajhiel: And what if i want you to attack the gilled to see what were up agents. You puny fairy are so easy to kill. I could kill you right now. And i wouldn't even break a sweat. But your really are beautiful. I wouldn't want to hurt you at all.
Tatiana: I'll take you up on the if we fight you wont brake a sweat. Because I'll be the one leaving satisfied.
Natsu: Tatiana. What are you d..
Gajhiel: All right lets dance beautiful.
Tatiana: Make your move.
After saying that i transform into a dragon slayer she demon. Gajhiel was saprised and tried a Iron dragon roar. I block it with an ice sheld. An attack with a fire and ice drogon talon and he go flying across the gilled hall. The battle gose on for 6 hours and he is covered in sweat. But I was perfectly fine.
Tatiana: Do you admit defeat yet Gajhiel?
Gajhiel: Alright you win. Fariy Tale isn't as weak as I thought. We'll come and fix the gilled and leave Fairy tale alone.
Tatiana: Good. I wouldnt try anything funny either. Got it.
Gajhiel: Alright. We won't.
Tatiana: Good. Lets go team.
Natsu: She's awesome.
Gajhiel: She your girlfriend or something?
Natsu: Yep! An proud of it. She the most loveing girl a guy could have.
Gajhiel: Well.... She kicked my tail bad. That sucks for me.
Natsu: Ew.. Its not so bad. Will talk later i have to go.
Gajhiel: Maybe dragon slayer maybe.
Tatiana: Natsu come on.
Natsu: Comeing.
After kicking Gajhiel's tail and leaving. I transform back. But now I have a headache so Natsu carried me and Gray made an ice packet for me with cloth from my shrit and ice magic. When we got home i was could. So Natsu put me on his chest. And then i fall asleep.

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