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Something To Hide (Cashby)

Alan moves to California with his boyfriend cutting all ties with his friends and family back at home in Wisconsin.

Alan doesn't leave the house often, only to check the mail or go pick up items from the liquor store across the rode.

But one day when he wanders out of the house to walk around the city he ends up at a park meeting a boy there in the process.

"Hi, I'm Austin."

"I'm Alan."
"Alan come here please!" Cameron called, loudly.

Alan sat his acoustic guitar in its case carefully and he made his way into the kitchen.

Cameron was leant against the counter, his arms folded, his dark eyes set in a steely glare. "Why isn't the house clean? I told you that my boss was coming by today and a couple of my co-workers."Cameron stated in a calm tone.

"I-I'm s-sorry." Alan said softly making the black haired boy scoff.

"You better be. Go straighten up the living room and when your done dress in something nice, I don't need you looking like a hoodlum." Cameron snarled.

Alan nodded not wanting to disappoint his boyfriend, he made quick work of cleaning the living room. Fluffing the pillows, wiping the glass tables down, and vacuuming the carpet.

When he was done he made his way up stairs to change, he walked into the walk in closet that was connected to his and Cameron's shared room. The room was relatively large having a built in bathroom to the left of the closet, a king sized mattress with a deep chestnut headboard pushed up against the wall, and a 47' inch plasma TV mounted onto the wall directly in front of the bed.

The other rooms in the large house were about the same size, with a different set up (courtesy of Cameron's mom). It was a relatively nice house, but far to big for 2 people to share but it was okay, Alan was perfectly content with where he lives.

Alan grabbed a black t-shirt and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, he walked out of the closet and closed the door before setting his outfit on the bed.

He took of his shirt throwing it in the dirty close hamper and he slid on his freshly laundered black t-shirt. After that he unbuckled his belt and slid the ripped jeans down over his pale legs.

After he was done he stood in front of the large mirror and ruffled his ginger hair before heading down stairs to get his green'Doc Martens.'

Alan was a little nervous because he had to make a good impression when Cameron's boss gets here. It's not his first time meeting Mitchell Graty it would actually be his 2nd time.

The ageing man was rather intimidating always having his eyes squinted, his arms crossed over his chest. He never took anyone's shit and he would snap at you in a second.

Mitchell wasn't very fond of Alan either, always making rude comments about his appearance saying he was a rock star wanna be. Alan wasn't really fazed by his comments considering the guy had a bald spot on top of his head and a beer belly.

The ginger slipped on the $100 dollar boots and he sat down on the couch to tie them up.
Just the intro, comment what you guys think.

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