Chapter 3

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Dedicated to @Hold-On-Till-May because of the helpful comments, thanks love :)

Tony Perry :0


"Alan!" Cameron's heavy footsteps were heard and the sudden noise startled the ginger boy and he accidentally dropped the spoon he was holding in the soapy dish water and splashes of water flew up onto his white t-shirt and he groaned quietly to himself.

Cameron appeared in the kitchen seconds later a blank expression on his face, the boys hair was slicked back with gel of some sort, his dress shirt was unbuttoned, and his tie was hanging loosely around his neck. "Were inviting the new neighbors over for dinner so you need to make extra or else you wont be eating tonight." The older boy crossed his arms over his chest giving Alan an intimidating stare making Alan gulp.

The younger boy nodded then averted eye contact and he continued washing the dishes and he inspected each dish closely to make sure all the particles were off so nobody would get sick. The ginger continued washing the dishes and he could feel the elder boys eyes burning into the back of his head and it was making him uncomfortable. Suddenly though the elder pushed himself up from the door frame and he walked over to Alan and placed his large, rough hands on the boys hips and he felt a shiver run through his body and not the good kind.

The taller boy pressed his chest to the boys back and he hooked his chin over his shoulder and he looked down at the bruises on the boys wrist and the ones on his collarbone and a sick smile covered the mans face, feeling satisfactory because he left those bruises on the ginger boy. Claiming him as his.


Sorry for the short chapter

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