Chapter 5

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"So this is Alan,  Cameron said a sickening sweet smile on his face, he gestured towards the ginger haired boy. "My wonderful boyfriend that made this meal possible." Austin steps through the door frame and Cameron closes the door behind the taller boy.  A friendly smile appears on Austins face as he toes off his shoes a nice row of pearly white teeth are on display and Alan thinks he looks sweet when he smiles.  

" Thanks for having me over, and I believe that Alan and I have already met." Austin raises an eyebrow and that same smile is on his face and it looks like it's grown bigger if even possible. 

Cameron raises an questionable brow and he lets out a laugh "Really? Well that's a surprise ." Cameron has turned around now and and he laced Alan's fingers with his own and squeezes a little tightly and Austin follows behind both boys taking in the paintings and photos lined down the foyer a look of interest on his face. Its not long till they reach the dining room and a long wooden table is there with plates of food for all 3 boys, Cameron's plate being at the head of the table. There's baked Chicken, Salad, and some form of rice and it all looks yummy. 

"Take a seat Austin." Cameron pats the fancy chair as he passes by it indicating for Austin to sit their and Alan walks to the opposite seat across from Austin and takes a seat and Austin notices the small amount of food on Alan's plate but he doesn't question it because maybe he's dieting. 

That may explain the boys small size, but his its really none of his business  so he lets it slip through his mind. The 3 boys dig  into the meal and its silent except the sound of silverware  scraping against the expensive glass plates and the hum of the dishwasher. Cameron clears his throat after chewing a forkful of rice "So where are you from, Austin?" 

Austin sits down his glass as he answers the question another toothy smile forming on his face, "I'm from California,"  Alan's eyes shoot up at the mention of the state,  his chocolate eyes brightening.

"That explains the tan," Cameron chuckles lightly "Which city? "

"Orange County." Austin answers without hesitation, Alan glances at Austin and opens his mouth but quickly closes it and decides quickly that this is the first time that he has connected with someone so he'll speak. Alan being from Orange County as well, the city was so beautiful with the pretty beaches and the amazing waves at Laguna  Beach and not to mention Disneyland. He misses it all.  

"Aren't the waves so nice at the beach?" Alan says and he can feel heat rushing up his neck and to his ears,and he knows that his cheeks are red at this point. He feels nostalgic.

"Yeah!" Austin is beaming now, " I practically lived in the ocean. You from Cali?" He asks curiously 

Alan swallows his water before answering "Yeah," He's smiling now too

" Oh really, well that explains the tan."Austin laughs again and Alan thinks it's a nice sound he'd  like to here it more often. 

"Yeah the sun was my favorite thing, it was like a part of me I was always outside. Enjoying the waves, or skateboarding." 

"Yeah same, i'm getting used to the weather out here in Wisconsin its different. I've been here for about 3 weeks and the winters are lets just say extremely cold." Austin scoops up the last bit of rice on his plate and shovels it in his mouth

"It was a big adjustment for me too," Alan lets a small laugh escape from his mouth " I nearly froze to death, I had to buy a lot of new clothes or i would've probably gotten pneumonia."

Austin laughs too and Alan feels a bit of triumph for being able to make him laugh, and a hint of rosy red covers his cheeks. Cameron clears his throat and Alan completely forgot about his presence  for a minute because of his silence, and he quickly looks down and continues eating.  

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