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[ This is a lengthy chapter since you guys got a nigga to 1k reads. Yall the real MVP's.]


"Baby!" I screeched loudly as I felt the water splatter onto the tile wood floor.

Chris rushed into the kitchen with a concerned look on his face. Once he realized the puddle I had made, he froze up.

"You peed on yourself or you went int-?"

I clenched my eyes shut and held the bridge of my nose.


"What do you th-"I felt a tightening in my stomach knowing that my contractions were starting.

"Christopher."I whined, dragging his name out. These were worse than the ones I experienced in my earlier stage.

Well of course they would be, I'm in labor.

"I'll go get the bag." I watched him run back upstairs, tripping in the process. I would've laughed if I was in the mood.

I closed my eyes and placed one hand under my belly while mumbling 'Trap Niggas' by future.

It isn't the best song for this predicament but it's the only one I could think of at the moment.

Chris returned with the baby bag slung over his shoulder and carried me bridal style to the car.

I complained and cussed him out throughout the whole ride but that didn't seem to bother him. His other baby mother probably put him through the same thing.


"C'mon Leah." He parked the car at the entrance and picked my big ass up once again.

Immediately nurses came out and placed me in a wheel chair.

Chris held my hand while they escorted us into a secluded room. The nurses and of course Chris stripped me out of my clothes and into one of those hideous dresses. I hadn't even noticed that he'd put on scrubs.

"Epidural?" One of the Latin looking nurse asked as she moved a few strands a hair from my sticky forehead.

"N-" Chris tried to answer for me.

"Shut the fuck up." I growled before nodding my head yes.

"It might hurt." She warned me.

"Just please stick it in my fucking back." I know I'm being rude but if you were in my shoes you'd act the same way. I just wanted this pain to end.

Without a word she lifted me up from the bed and quickly stuck the needle in my spine. I winced slightly from the pain.

But I'm a hard ass bitch a needle can't hurt me.

"Okay Mrs. Brown-" Chris grinned at the fact that she'd called me that."Your contractions are becoming closer and closer. Take deep breaths with me."

I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling the same way she was coaching me to. The epidural had numbed me up a bit.

Without telling me, the other nurse gently propped both my legs up, spreading them.

Yeah, I could feel a breeze.

"I think you should leave Mr. Brown. You don't look like the type to be able to handle this."

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