Chapter 1

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Walking down the streets, I could hear the sound of yelling. I knew even before I had left this morning what was going to happen, Naruto would pull a prank and then get people to chace him until he would be caught and brought to school. It always happend, I knew from the first day I saw him that, all he wanted was to be noticed by someone. He seemed to cling to me, since I helped him when others were bulling him, since I helped him, he would always fallow me and talk to me, even though I almost never talk. I knew why people hated him, he had the  Nine tailed Fox inside of him, I had no problem with it , seeing as I myself have been called a demon for as longs as I have been alive, which is why I hide my face from others.

Sighing, I looked at a clock, and relised that I was late for class....again. It mabe no difference if I was there or if I wasn't I already knew what we were learning, I was really a head of the others.  That and the fact that I mostly trained everyday, since I could start to walk I was teached from the clan and now I'm strong because of it. But I hid it from others, not wanting to be use for my power, or my strength. I stopped my train of thought to jump onto a near by house top and walked over to see Naruto hide behind a sheet, while the ninja went pass him, he started to laugh not noticing  our teacher right behind him.

Sighing, just knowing what he was going to be dragged back into class again, I besided it was time to leave, weaving the signs with my one hand, I poofed away in a cloud of smoke. I showed up, outside of my class room, sighing again I pulled my hood farther down onto my face before silently walkng into the class and sitting into my seat in the back before laying my head on my desk.

When Naruto and Iruka got to class, Naruto tied up with rope and Iruka bringing up the fact that the test was coming up and that Naruto failed the text two times  and that he was messing up again.

"Hmm!" Naruto said looking away from Iruka

That only made Iruka pissed.

"Fine! Because you missed it Naruto. Everyone will review the Transformation Jutsu!" Iruka said

Earning groans from the classmates. Everyone got into a line for the review, no one noticed I wasnt their so I stayed in my seat. Watching my classmates.

"Alright. Sakura here, lets do this. Transform." Sakura said then their was smoke and their stood another Iruka.

"Transfomed into me. Good" Iruka said marking it down.

Sakura changed back and cheered,"Yes! I did it! Sasuke, did you see that!"

And of course she wants to know what Uchiha  thought. She was such a fangirl, I felt sorry for the poor boy at times.

"Next! Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka said

He went up and then did the same. reseved a good and then left to his seat.

"Next. Naruto Uzumaki."

"This was a total waste of time Naruto." Shikamaru stated looking at Naruto

"We always pay for your screw up" Ino stated glancing at Naruto

"Like I care." Naruto said before going forward.

I could tell that Hinata was most likely cheering him on, in her mind. I knew she had a HUGE crush on the numb skull. But he has a crush on Sakura.... I have now clue why though.

"Transform." Naruto says theirs smoke. Maybe he's finally got it.

Thats what I thought until I saw the smoke clear only to see a naked female naruto, with clouds cover her parts, she  winked at Iruka and giggled.

Iruka was in a state of shock, and he fell backwards.

Naruto dropped the transformation and started laughing.

"Hahah Got ya. That's my Sexy Jutsu!" He said pointing

"CUT THE STUPIED TRICKS! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!" Iruka yelled, I swear his head grew way bigger, also their was paper up his nose.

I sighed again and shooked my head, he never learns.

After the class was done. I went and trained at the training grounds, with the KIA stone is at. I would always go there, and train my hardest, before going over to the stone and reading the names over and over again. The names of my clan and people who have been killed for the village, I always thought of these very people as my a member of my family.I haven't gotten over what had happend to my village and I most likely never will, nothing I did filled the hole that the sadness of never talking or seeing them again left.But I knew they were in a better place.

Looking at the sky I noticed that it had gotten dark. Desideing it was better for me to go home, I walked back into town and noticed that, Naruto and Iruka were having  ramen. I smiled at the sight, they seem like father and son, if you ask me. Iruka treats Naruto way better then the other adults do, which Im happy about, he needs someone like that to be their for him like a parent would. I walked right pass them and into my apartment, changing into my pajama's and thn hopping into bed. I fell alseep faster then normal.

-Next day-

"We will now start the final Exam. When your name is called, the final test will be on the clone jutsu. " Iruka stated

I sighed, from my seat in the back. I knew what this ment. Naruto sucks at the Clone Jutsu, he not dought about it is freaking right out about it. I looked at Naruto and I can just tell I was right. I sighed, poor Naruto.

Soon Naruto was called into the room. As he walked out, he looked at me, I gave him the thumbs up. Making him smile and walk out side. Naruto looked mad when he came out of the room and straight outside. I sighed, with a small frown, he didnt pass.

My name was soon called, I didnt want to stand out so I did three clones of myself, but they were solid clones of me. Which shocked the teachers, so much that I went up to the table and grabbed the only black headband and left. I tied it around my neck and walked out of the school. I saw a bunch of kids were talking with each other happy about passing. Familys were gathiered around the children happy their child passed.

I was walking by when two ladys were watching Naruto on the swing,

"There he is him." The one said in a snarky tone.

"It's that boy. I heard he's the only one that failed." The other said

 They both looked at him in disgust. Like he was a monster.

Which made me mad at them. They had no right to be so mean to him.

"Hm! Well it surves him right." The one said

"Just  think if he became an Ninja. I mean he's..." The other started to say as I walked right pass them, I walked right pass everyone not listening to them talk. I walked all the way to the KIA stone  and sat in front of it. Looking at it for a while before talking.

"I'm a official ninja now. I passed the test, for you guys, I'll be able to  be just like you guys. Strong and brave, protecting the village, going on missions. I'm getting my team tomorrow, I hope I can get along with them. It wold be helpful on missions.... I miss you guys, ya know. I'm greatful for protecting this village or I would have had no were to go to. And all these people wouldn't be here today. Im very greatful to you guys." I stated while still looking at the stone. After sometime I felt someone coming my way, I besided it was time for me to head home, and in a puff of smoke I was in my apartment and already for sleep, half way asleep I heard Ninja's running all over the place,saying something about Naruto and how he had stolen something. Soon after I fell asleep, just as I did I could hear a yell in the distance.  

Oh Naruto.

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